4 important questions a person affected by erectile dysfunction should ask

4 important questions a person affected by erectile dysfunction should ask

The inability to achieve or sustain an erection on the penis suitable for sexual intercourse is referred to as erectile dysfunction (ED). There are various factors that result in erectile dysfunction, some of which include side effects of medications taken, consuming too much alcohol or poor blood flow to the penis. If you are having trouble with erection once a while, there is probably nothing to worry about. If it happens on a regular basis, it is indeed a sign of a health problem. It is certainly traumatic for a man to go through and it does largely affect the relationship and the man also develops low self-esteem. Ask yourself the following questions about erectile dysfunction and do visit a doctor for an immediate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Question: Why me?
Answer: There are innumerable reasons why you have got ED. Some of it could be high blood pressure over a period of time, diabetes (especially when the levels go fluctuating from low to high or vice versa), abuse of alcohol and drugs, hormonal imbalance, injury to your prostate, bladder, and pelvis. However, it is important to note that erectile dysfunction is not only physical but also psychological. Just a sheer nervousness while performing – as to how you are performing could result in the inability of erection. Stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, loss of a loved one can also be reasons for erectile dysfunction.

Question: Does the onset of erectile dysfunction depend on age?
Answer: As a man gets older, his ability to get an erection takes longer and also to sustain one could be difficult. The firmness of it can never be compared to how it was when you were younger. However, a lot of young men – age below 40 also experience erectile dysfunction related issues. It should be noted that the younger ones use a lot of cigarettes than older men, which could also be the reason why there has been an increase in ED among younger men.

Question: How is erectile dysfunction even diagnosed?
Answer: Visit your doctor. If you do not have any other health complication, you might just need a physical examination to assess the condition. If you have other health complication, you would need any or all of the following tests to be done:

  • Blood tests
  • Overnight erection test
  • To check the blood flow to the penis, an ultrasound is done
  • Analysis of your urine

Besides the above, a mental health examination is also done where the doctors ask a series of questions to understand your mental state.

Question: How does one go about treatment?
Answer: Usually doctors do not prescribe medications right away unless the condition is treatable only through medications. They would recommend immediate lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, to take a break and perhaps go for a vacation, to modify other medications that you are taking already which could act as triggers for erectile dysfunction. Besides, the above, your doctors would definitely give you a set of specific exercises and would also insist that you find an exercise regime that appeals to you.