Effective home remedies for dry hair
Natural Remedies

Effective home remedies for dry hair

It doesn’t matter if your hair is curly or straight, or long or short; every other person wishes to have luscious hair. Unfortunately, most people suffer from dry and dull hair. Even if you possess a full head of hair, dry hair is inevitable due to the constant exposure to pollution, heat styling tools, and chemical treatments. If you can’t figure out how to deal with dry hair, the perfect place to begin is your home. Home remedies can prove to be cost-effective, and as they use natural ingredients, they are safe for your hair. Using home remedies is not only convenient, but it also shows the same or better results than complex clinical hair treatments due to the absence of harmful chemicals. Even though results may take a longer time to show, your hair will become significantly better in the long run. Some of the most effective home remedies for dry hair are: Coconut oil You can solve a plethora of issues, including dry hair, with coconut oil. Coconut oil is considered a cure-all in a lot of Middle Eastern and South Asian countries. Make it a habit of massaging coconut oil in your hair before shampooing it. Even though you may have to use more shampoo to remove the oil from your hair, the results will be worth it.
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Amazing home remedies for skin tightening
Natural Remedies

Amazing home remedies for skin tightening

One of the very first signs of aging is reflected by the sagging of the skin. Wrinkles start to show and our skin starts to become really loose. But with the right home remedies, you would not need to shell out a fortune on skin tightening. While there are plenty of cosmetic and surgical procedures available for the same, natural and home remedies tend to be the preferred option for skin tightening: Coconut oil Coconut oil is considered to be one of the best remedies for all problems associated with skin. All you need is some pure virgin coconut oil. Wherever you feel the skin is sagging, simply massage the oil upwards in a circular motion. Continue this massage for five to ten minutes for good results. Additionally, keep this pack on for the entire night. Doing this every night before going to bed would really help in the skin tightening process. Banana mask Your favorite fruit also helps in keeping your skin radiant and supple. All you need is one ripe banana and some lemon juice. After mashing the banana properly, simply apply it on your entire face as a mask. For better results, squeeze some lemon in the mashed banana.
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Home remedies and medicines for treating cold and cough
Natural Remedies

Home remedies and medicines for treating cold and cough

Cold and cough can affect a person’s daily routine and cause a lot of discomfort. A constantly runny nose or even a blocked nose can leave you worn out by the end of the day. Constant coughing can also tire you out, and lead to disruptions in your everyday activities. You can rely on these home remedies to get relief from the discomfort associated with cold and cough: One of the most effective home remedies for treating cold and cough is drinking ginger tea. It is known to help with a runny nose and also soothes the throat at the same time. It is recommended to constantly consume fluids to deal with a cold and cough. You should drink a lot of fluids to treat congestion and prevent dehydration. Rinse your nose with salt water or a saline spray. This treatment is used to break up any blockage or congestion in the nose. You must always use boiled, sterile, or distilled water for this to avoid catching any infections. To deal with a stuffy, blocked nose, go for a quick steam treatment. All you have to do is keep your face over some boiling water and breathe through your nose to open up any blockages in your nose.
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Simple and effective home remedies for treating acne
Natural Remedies

Simple and effective home remedies for treating acne

Conventional acne treatment can get pretty expensive, and it is not a permanent solution to keep acne at bay. You can try the following home remedies to treat acne. Coconut oil and sugar – Make a scrub by mixing equal parts of coconut oil and sugar. Then, scrub your face with this mixture and rinse your face with water. Cinnamon and honey – Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and two tablespoons of honey. Apply this paste to your face and let it stay for 15 minutes before rinsing with water. Aloe vera – Scoop out the aloe gel from the aloe vera plant and apply it to your face. Apply it twice daily. Lemon juice – You can apply some lemon juice to your face. As lemon juice acts as a disinfectant, it helps to remove the scars that are caused by acne and prevents it from reappearing. Apple cider vinegar – To three parts of water, add one part apple cider vinegar. You can apply this on your face and leave it on for 20 seconds after which you should rinse it off. Witch hazel – You can apply witch hazel on your acne. Just take a cotton ball, put a few drops of witch hazel onto it, and then clean your face with it.
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Home remedies for dandruff
Natural Remedies

Home remedies for dandruff

Dandruff, also known as seborrhea, is a tendency of getting scales on the scalp frequently. Everyone has an equal tendency of getting dandruff, whether it is due to the weather, food, less oil on the scalp, or due to any other underlying skin issue. It is important to understand the causes of dandruff to undertake natural treatment. Skin issues like pimples, acne, and scars also develop due to dandruff. Some of the causes of dandruff are hair brushing habits, poor shampoo habits, very dry skin since birth, not following a balanced diet, and too much stress. In the country, almost 60% of people suffer from dandruff, especially during the winter and fall seasons. Instead of spending a huge amount of money by going to a salon, listed here are some of the many effective home remedies for an anti-dandruff treatment at home. The ingredients required are commonly available in the kitchen, and you might be using them all the time. Coconut oil and lemon : Lemon juice is used to treat dandruff. Add a pinch of coconut oil to the juice and massage it onto the scalp to give smoothness to your hair. First, heat coconut oil and add lemon juice to it, and massage the scalp with this mixture.
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Home Remedies For Facial Pores
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies For Facial Pores

Small openings that appear on the face are known as the skin pores. These are basically the openings of hair follicles and contain sebaceous glands. It makes the face appear dull, aged and unattractive. Individuals who have an oily skin type are more vulnerable to the development of the pores on the face because of the overproduction of sebum. The formation of blackheads and whiteheads further blocks the pores, making them look larger and causing more problems for the skin. The condition of the pores also worsens when the person goes through stress or has an unhealthy skin. Facial pores can also be a result of varied genetic factors. These unseemly pores are worsened when the person starts to age as the elasticity of the skin starts deteriorating. The facial skin has many pores that enable the skin to breathe. But when such pores start to get bigger, they become noticeable even to the naked eyes. Oily and combination skin types are more prone to having enlarged pores because these types of skin produce an increased amount of sebum. There are several measures that help in minimizing the occurrence of the pores on the skin of an individual. The market is flooded with brands that offer products which claim to minimize facial pores, but these are more often than not, quite expensive.
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Effective home remedies for split ends
Natural Remedies

Effective home remedies for split ends

Hairstylists always advocate trimming the hair to get rid of split ends. If the hair is not trimmed, it can result in continuous splitting and further hair damage. But trimming may not be suitable for some individuals. This article lists some of the most effective home-based remedies to control the problem of split ends. Eggs Eggs are one of the best home-based remedies for split ends. If you’re facing this hair problem, you can try the application of an egg mask. Eggs are rich in fatty acids and proteins. The human hair is primarily made up of proteins which is why eggs are suitable for strengthening the hair. Egg-based hair masks also strengthen the hair follicles, reduce tangles, and make the hair smooth. They also prevent breakage and improve the quality of hair. Avocado Avocado is one of the best fruits for good health as well as good hair. It is a rich source of amino acids, magnesium, potassium, iron, as well as different vitamins like vitamin E, D, and A. These nutrients are useful in restoring life to hair that has become dull and brittle. This fruit is also a good source of vitamin H that is known to strengthen the hair.
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Treatment and home remedies for itching
Natural Remedies

Treatment and home remedies for itching

The goal of treatment for itching is to identify the cause and stop the itch. Impact of itching could be scratch marks due to constant scratching resulting in sores and infection. Chronic itching could cause sleep disturbances and anxiety. Many times itches can be treated at home with home remedies or over the counter medication including topical creams, lotions, ointments, and gels. Pruritis can be best treated after finding the underlined cause it could either be a skin condition or a systemic disease. When the underlying problem is corrected, treatment will be given to control the itch and scratch cycle. Treatment for itching would include oral antihistamines, topical steroid cream and also by good care of the skin. In the case of generalized pruritis, with persistent or severe itching it is best to see a physician for evaluation and treatment. Once the cause of itching is figured out medication option can be given to relieve the itching. Antihistamines medication like diphenhydramine is used for itching, sneezing and running nose. Generic diphenhydramine is best for allergic reactions. In cases of extreme difficulties like breathing, swelling of face or tongue and vomiting, medical attention should be sought immediately as they are classic symptoms of life-threatening allergic reactions.
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Tips to handle ulcerative colitis
Natural Remedies

Tips to handle ulcerative colitis

It is highly unfortunate that the reasons why one suffers from ulcerative colitis (UC) remains unknown. While diet and stress were previously suspected to be the cause for UC, doctors are of the opinion that these two play an important role in aggravating the problem but cannot cause UC. One school of thought says that the malfunction in the immune system could cause UC, and this theory seems to be accepted predominantly. Our immune system fights off invading virus and bacteria. In this case, an abnormality in the immune system begins attacking the cells in the digestive tract. Another school of thought claims that UC is largely hereditary, but there are statistics to show that most people with UC do not have this family history. There are several risk factors associated with UC and some of them would be: Age: Statistics show that UC affects people below the age of 30. However, it can occur at any age. There are also instances wherein people have developed UC over 65 years. Hence, it is difficult to define a particular age group wherein UC develops first. Ethnicity: It could affect anyone, but Caucasians are largely susceptible. Asians are supposed to be less prone to UC, though the reason for this is still unknown.
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Tips and home remedies for the prevention of hair loss
Natural Remedies

Tips and home remedies for the prevention of hair loss

Hair loss is a common problem, but if you see more hair than usual on your pillow or in the shower, it’s time to diagnose the underlying cause. It is natural for hair to fall while combing, and new strands grow and replace them. Excessive hair loss, on the other hand, could be a result of illness, genetics, medication, or following a poor diet, and it can be extremely disturbing and embarrassing. Two ways to prevent hair loss would be with the help of medical intervention and through changes in the diet. Prevention Although natural balding cannot be reversed, hair can be protected from damage that could cause thinning. Chemical-laden cosmetics, hot curlers, hair dryers, and hair dyes should be avoided as they are the most common causes of hair loss. Here are some tips to follow to prevent hair damage that could result in hair loss: It is ideal to maintain the natural color of hair and avoid coloring often. It is important to choose hair products wisely. Whether it is a shampoo, curler, or hairbrush, it should be the type that would not be too harsh and would not damage the hair. A good brush and a proper brushing technique help in preventing hair loss.
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