4 tips for lip care and treatment

4 tips for lip care and treatment

Almost all girls love wearing lip colors—be it the vibrant and bright shades or nude and pastel hues. However, no lipstick can create the perfect pout if your lips aren’t cared for.

The skin on the lips is much thinner than the skin on other parts of the body. This makes it easier for them chap and crack and makes it very important for us to take extra care and precautions.

Lips have a lesser amount of oil glands and do not have the ability to create sun-filtering natural melanin. This means they have no protection of their own. In winters, chapped lips are the most common, when the cold and dry hair dehydrates our body. However, winter isn’t the only season which spells trouble for your lips. Dry air, wind, and sun can equally dry your lips all year round.

The fastest treatment for chapped and dry lips is the regular use of lip balm. Lip balms are composed of waxes and oil, and some formulas also contain menthol or camphor for soothing the rawness and the stinging. Other lip balms may contain allantoin or aloe vera to speed up the healing process. Many lip balms also incorporate sunscreen as it is a must for outdoor exposure, but you must make sure they contain ingredients for protecting the lips against the ultraviolet A (UVA) rays. Some of these ingredients include avobenzone, zinc oxide, or titanium dioxide.

Additionally, you can try a few other things to aid the effect of the lip balm in treating and healing chapped, cracked, and dry lips. Some of the lip care tips include:

Do not touch or lick your lips
Each time you touch or lick your lips, they get directly affected as they have no protection of their own.

Never lick your lips. It may feel good for the moment as well as feel hydrating for your lips. But, once the saliva evaporates, it will leave your lips even drier. The enzymes present in the saliva are simply too harsh for delicate lips.

The next thing that you should never do is to breath with your mouth open. The moisture on the lips gets stripped away with all the dry hair blowing over it.

Lastly, never kiss anyone with an infection on their lips. It takes no time for an infection to spread on to any of the cracks on your lips.

Follow a healthy diet plan
A good diet full of healthy nutrients is not only essential for your skin but even for your lips.

Vitamins and other nutrients directly showcase the condition of your lips. It is essential to stay on a healthy diet to have lovely lips.

Stay hydrated
When it comes to healthy lips, one of the most important things is to stay hydrated. Just as the skin requires to be hydrated from the inside, so do the lips.

Remove makeup
Removing any makeup from your lips ensures that your lips are able to breathe by being clear. You must ensure you remove all traces of makeup from your lips by using a damp cotton ball for wiping the lips clean.