5 tips and tricks to manage dry skin

5 tips and tricks to manage dry skin

If you are suffering from dry and flaky skin, then you know the importance of getting immediate relief from the discomfort and the pain. A lot of times dry skin can escalate into worse skin conditions which are best nipped in the bud. Apart from moisturizing regularly, there are a few tips and tricks which are sure to help you manage dry skin more effectively.

  • Opt for cold showers instead of hot ones : While taking a hot shower may seem like a great idea, in reality, it is not. Hot showers tend to strip away your body’s natural oil barrier. This can aggravate the problem of dry skin further. That’s why, it is better to opt for warm or cold showers, and in the process, ensure that your body’s natural oil barrier is not stripped away. You need this barrier to lock in the moisture. Once you have finished showering, gently pat your skin dry and apply moisturizer.
  • Cleanse gently : If you have a tendency to suffer from dry skin, you need to opt for soap-less cleansers. All soaps, even the heavily moisturized ones, contain a certain amount of chemicals. These chemicals can irritate your current skin condition and some may even cause real damage. That’s why you need to opt for soap-less cleansers at the earliest. You may also want to consider ceramides that contain ceramides. These are fatty elements that help your skin to retain moisture and by opting for cleansers containing the same, you are actually helping to enrich your skin.
  • Shaving : If you are not careful, shaving can irritate your skin. It can cause your skin to develop welts, bumps and even rashes. Essentially, when you are shaving, you are scraping your skin with a sharp blade. This is why it is essential that you apply ‘sensitive skin’ shaving foam or gel before you start shaving. Remember, that as you scrape your skin, you are essentially scraping some of those essential oils away as well. So always remember to apply a moisturizer on your skin, post shaving. And always use a sharp razor so that the hair comes off smoothly instead of a constant pull and push which will irritate your skin.
  • Take cover from the sun : One of the reasons that you may have a dry skin condition could be due to sun damage. Make sure that you cover up as you head out, especially during the afternoon, and consult a dermatologist as to whether you need to apply any protective sunscreen on your skin when you go out. By taking these preventive measures, you can limit the damage that direct sunlight can do to your skin.
  • Use a moisturizer often : It is important that you are well stocked up on all the required moisturizers and can use the same to help combat dry skin.

With the tips posted here, you should be able to take better care of your skin and help prevent it from flaking. It is important that you do nothing to irritate or inflame your current condition and stay well hydrated and moisturized.