6 factors that can cause depression

6 factors that can cause depression

Clinical depression is an extremely complex condition that can drive the way one thinks and alter their behavior. This mental illness makes one lose interest in every kind of daily activity and is characterized by melancholy. This disorder is extremely common among people today and about one in six persons go through the same. Depression can seep in at any age, however, the possibility is much higher among individuals who are in their late teens and mid-twenties.

The reason why one may grow depressed is most commonly unknown. Often, the medical professionals will evaluate the symptoms and the possible causes of depression when undertaking treatment. There are several factors that can increase the risk and they include:

Poor physical health
The is a deep link between the wellbeing of the body and the mind. The constant affliction of physical health conditions will indubitably affect one’s mental health too.  There will be changes in the state of one’s mind over time. The constant dealing with a chronic illness will trigger stress followed by consistent episodes of depression. Also, there are certain types of illnesses such as liver disease and Addison’s disease which can trigger the symptoms of depression.

Substance and alcohol abuse
The addiction to alcohol and substances can majorly contribute to a disorder of depression. These substances influence one’s mental health and can trigger the symptoms of depression. Even prescription medications are found to have a connection with driving one into depression. Stimulants, beta-blockers, statins, etc. are found to be associated with the condition. Thus, one must always review the type of medications and evaluate the effects of the same with a physician before consumption.

Drastic life event
There be an event in one’s life which makes it extremely difficult for them to cope. This can include the death of a close one, crack in a relationship, unemployment, and even the birth of a child. The stress inducing factor can lead to the secretion of very high levels of the cortisol hormone. This, in turn, affects the neurotransmitter serotonin and leads to the growth of depression.

There are some studies that point toward the link between genetics and depression. Having parents or relatives with depression can put one at a higher risk of developing the same.
However, there is no certainty attached to this relation and researches are still looking to establish a more concrete understanding.

Imbalance in neurotransmitters
Another cause of depression is found to be the imbalance in the neurotransmitters. The chemical substances are responsible for aiding in the communication between the different parts of the brain. The neurotransmitters play a major role in driving and regulating the mood of an individual. In the case of certain missing neurotransmitters or when they are short in supply, the symptoms of depression are triggered.

Nutritional deficiency
A poor diet that compromises on the essential nutrients poses to be a major trigger of depression. The deficiency of different vitamins and minerals in the body can push forth the different symptoms of depression. Diets that are high in sugar and have an imbalance of the different omega acids can play role in causing depression.