Best Snacks To Combat Arthritis
Fitness & Diet

Best Snacks To Combat Arthritis

Many people think of arthritis as a disease that only older adults have, but this ailment also affects children, and younger adults. Rheumatoid arthritis (or RA) is a chronic, progressive disease that often causes irreversible joint damage. It occurs when the immune system attacks the joints by mistake. The symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness, and loss of some physical functions in the hands, feet, wrists, shoulders, or knees. It can result from predisposition, genetics, or environmental influences. Certain foods and snacks can help combat the inflammation of arthritis, easing the pain and swelling: 1. Fatty fish Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, and mackerel, are rich in nutrients that help inflammation in the body. They contain omega 3 acids, and are potent anti-inflammatory foods. Served three times a week can greatly help ease arthritis swelling and pain. The omega 3 found in fatty fish is known to decrease the intensity of joint pain, and stiffness often felt in the morning. 2. Garlic Garlic is a spicy, pungent flavoring used in many food recipes, and it contains anti inflammatory compounds that have been proven to decrease some of the symptoms of arthritis. Garlic can be used in favorite snacks to increase the flavor while helping the pain of arthritis.
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Dietary Tips to Help Bipolar Disorder
Fitness & Diet

Dietary Tips to Help Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious medical condition that affects relationships, careers and can lead to suicide. People experience drastic mood swings from euphoric highs to depressing lows. Causes can be heredity, childhood trauma, sleep disturbances and substance abuse. A misconception of bipolar is that a person needs to be hospitalized for treatment. However, with medication and psychotherapy, people with bipolar disorder can lead healthy, productive lives. A bipolar disorder diet which includes mood stabilizing foods can also help manage symptoms. Here are some tips: 1. Omega-3s Fish oil supplements and fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, have been found to reduce symptoms of clinical depression, which is common in bipolar disorder. Vegetarians can take omega-3s derived from nuts and eggs. Omega-3s have a mood-stabilizing effect and offer other health benefits. 2. Magnesium Magnesium has been found to regulate sleep and reduce bouts of mania. Some mood stabilizing foods that contain magnesium are black beans, cashews, almonds and spinach. It can also be taken as a supplement. 3. Limit sweets Many processed foods contain an abundant amount of sugar. Sweets can cause blood sugar highs and lows leading to increased mood swings. If you’re craving sweets, try some fruit. The natural sugar in fruit can help maintain blood sugar balance.
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Foods to Help Manage Diabetes
Fitness & Diet

Foods to Help Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most debilitating and dangerous conditions that plague the population health of modern society. It is estimated that over 30 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, and over 84 American have prediabetes. Type 2 diabetes happens when your body loses the ability to use insulin effectively and is usually caused by a combination of a diet high in sugar and fats. Untreated diabetes can lead to an entire host of conditions (i.e., kidney damage, blindness, neuropathy, heart disease, and stroke). When you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, your body can no longer use the hormone insulin to do its job. The job of insulin is to remove sugar from your blood into cells so that it can be metabolized. The good news is diabetes is both preventable and curable with the incorporation of a low sugar diet and exercise (along with any doctor-prescribed medications): 1. Brown rice Brown rice is a carbohydrate, but it is a complex carbohydrate. Brown rice a complex carbohydrate because your body’s digestive system does not easily access the sugars in the rice. Foods that are refined are easily turned into sugar by your body, which results in blood sugar spikes.
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Quick Snack Options for Kids
Fitness & Diet

Quick Snack Options for Kids

There is no denying that most kids love snacks. Even picky eaters like snacks they are just picky about the snacks that they like. Having good snacks on hand is not only a good way to keep kids happy and satisfied but it also is a good way to keep kids healthier. Good snacks include wholesome foods that are not filled with processed ingredients and sugars. Below are some tasty snacks that are also very beneficial to growing children: 1. Smoothies Most adults love smoothies but not many are aware that kids can also be interested in smoothies as well. Not only is it a fun tasty treat but little do most kids know typical smoothies are filled with fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are essential to health. They help repair and renew cells and they also energize and detoxify the body. Since fruit is a very overpowering taste especially fruit such as blueberries and bananas they can be used to fill smoothies that are filled with kale and spinach that offer good fueling nutrients for young bodies. Smoothies are a great way to sneak in extra veggies. 2. Veggie sticks As stated above vegetables are very important to overall good health.
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Top Foods to Help Lower Cholesterol
Fitness & Diet

Top Foods to Help Lower Cholesterol

What we eat is what we become. The food we consume on a daily basis has a great influence on your health and well-being. However, eating certain foods as a part of a meal in moderation will not cause adverse effect on us. For example, people don;t become fat by eating food rich in fat. Fat, in fact, is essential for the body to absorb vitamins and signal the brain that you are full. It is the quantity of food consumed that makes all the difference. Eating food that is high is carbohydrates and low in protein and fat is what causes weight-related issues. With that being said, cholesterol is a type of fat that is obtained from animal sources. LDL cholesterol is considered the bad cholesterol because it contributes to the fatty deposits in the arteries. HDL cholesterol which is the good cholesterol carries bad fat from the arteries back to the liver thus facilitating smooth functioning of the heart. Certain foods help lower LDL cholesterol and some of them are mentioned below: 1. Oats Historically, oatmeal is considered as one of the healthy breakfasts for all ages. Besides its high fiber content, oat based food is easy to digest and gives you a long survival advantage.
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Trigger Foods for Gout
Fitness & Diet

Trigger Foods for Gout

Arthritis is currently impacts over three hundred million individuals worldwide. One of the most common forms among those affected is gout. Gouty arthritis is an inflammatory disease that causes redness, swelling, discomfort, and increased sensitivity. It is notorious for its effect on the big toe of either foot. Patients with gouty arthritis often complain about the sudden, short bouts of severe pain or flare ups. These attacks usually occur unexpectedly at night and therefore, can cause additional sleep disorders or disrupt sleep. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood, otherwise known as hyperuricemia. This can potentially lead to the formation of a crystal under your joints that will, in turn, invoke the symptoms referred to above. Treatment of gout is dependent upon the type and severity of the attack. Methods commonly used for treatment include medication, lifestyle changes, a visit to a specialist, or natural remedies. Often, dietary changes, such as avoiding the following foods, also help: 1. Meats Meats such as pork, turkey, mutton, and veal are all high in a waste product called purines. These substances contain uric acid and thus, contribute to hyperuricemia. 2. Seafood Certain seafood such as sardines and shellfish have high concentrations of purines.
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