Common treatment options for asthma

Common treatment options for asthma

Asthma treatments can be broadly categorized into three main categories, and these include – breathing exercises, immediate relief treatments, and long term medication for managing asthma. Each individual is different as they have various triggers or underlying causes, and there is no single form of universal treatment option to treat all conditions. The best course of action is to be determined by your doctor in order to ensure that all factors including your age, health, and triggers are well balanced and managed in the treatment plan.

Practicing breathing exercises for sustainability in the long run
One of the major perks of practicing breathing exercises is to learn to get more air into your lungs by inhaling and exhaling. This bears a significant mark on your lung’s health in the long run because it not only ups your lung capacity but also helps to slow down the onset of asthma symptoms as well as severe asthma attacks. All you have to do is get the help of your therapist or reach out to your doctor to learn the breathing exercises in the right manner.

Use of emergency medication for immediate relief
One can never be sure when the asthma attack may occur or how intense it would be. As a result, doctors prescribe certain emergency medication in case one is prone to sudden attacks and need immediate relief in order to be able to breathe normally again. Some of the common forms of this treatment include:

  • Use of rescue inhalers or nebulizers, so that the medicine can be immediately inhaled directly into the lungs for stopping the onset of a full blown attack
  • Use of bronchodilators which help with the relaxation of the lung muscles when tightened during an attack
  • Use of anti-inflammatories, in order to specifically deal with any form of inflammation in the lungs which can prove to be an obstruction for your breathing.

If you come across someone who is undergoing a sudden asthma attack, then you can aid them by helping them to sit upright and help them with the use of their emergency inhalers or nebulizers that they usually carry on them. Essentially, one should take about two to six puffs of these inhaler medications in order to quickly ease the symptoms. In the event that the symptoms do not die out but tend to aggravate even after about 20 minutes of taking the medication, then there is no use to taking the second round of medication, and you need to immediately reach out for a doctor’s help.

Asthma medication for long term control and management
Those who have been prescribed everyday use medication should stick to their routine and consume their medication without skipping in order to effectively prevent asthma. There are even some forms of rescue treatment that could be prescribed for daily use, and the best course of medication for your condition will be determined by your doctor in order to ensure there isn’t an overuse of drugs as well.