Complications and prevention of hepatitis

Complications and prevention of hepatitis

The presence of other diseases can get complicated by hepatitis — Fibrosis and cirrhosis are some such diseases. It is an beneficial that a complication like liver failure is preventable. This article discusses some complications and conditions to look out for in hepatitis.

  • A common complication of chronic hepatitis is fibrosis. It is a condition that is caused due to liver scarring where the liver is damaged due to persistent inflammation that creates a scar tissue for self-repair. This scar tissue stops the liver from functioning normally.
  • An extensively developed fibrosis is known as cirrhosis. It is caused by alcoholic hepatitis and hepatitis B and C. It can also be caused due to fatty liver and other liver-related diseases. In most cases scarring due to cirrhosis is irreversible, and a liver transplant would be the best choice in severe cases.
  • A complication of cirrhosis leads to cancer in the liver. It may affect the liver cells (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) and also affect the bile ducts (Cholangiolar Carcinoma).
  • Uncommon liver failure is a serious complication of hepatitis. When the liver does not function it leads to the shutdown of the entire body causing death. In general, liver failure occurs when the liver is totally damaged and is unable to support the needs of the body. There may be other specific causes too.
  • Cryoglobulinemia is common in those who suffer from hepatitis B and C, which leads to circulation problems. It is caused by a cluster that is abnormally formed that blocks small blood vessels in the liver.
  • When the brain is inflamed due to severe loss of liver function it is called hepatic encephalopathy. It causes mental disturbances and confusion leading to even coma. It is a serious condition in advanced cases and it is usually fatal.
  • A kidney disorder called glomerulonephritis is caused by inflammation and seen in those with hepatitis B and C. It could damage the kidneys severely without treatment.
  • When the presence of cirrhosis interferes with the liver portal circulation system, it gets blocked and blood from the digestive system is unable to return to the liver, causing pressure that is known as Portal Hypertension.
  • When a complication arises due to having two viral infections and the second infection is not caused by hepatitis, it makes the immune system weaker. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is one such infection.

Prevention of hepatitis

  • It is important to reduce the risk of infection and prevent viral hepatitis from invading the body.
  • Awareness of hepatitis and how it spreads is key to prevention.
  • There are several types of vaccination available for hepatitis A and B. Though there are no vaccinations yet to prevent hepatitis C, D, or E. Hepatitis C can be cured with new effective antiviral medications.
  • During travel, it is best to drink safe water and to avoid raw fruits and vegetables, which could be contaminated. Frequent washing of hands is mandatory.
  • Hepatitis C infection can be avoided through protective sexual contact.
  • Sharing personal items like razors, toothbrushes, or needles can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided.
  • Risk of hepatitis is high when consumption of alcohol and over the counter drugs are excessive.