Coping with cervical cancer

Coping with cervical cancer

Diagnosis of cervical cancer can bring on a wide range of emotions and questions. The initial impact can be quite stressful. The effect it has on one’s daily life will depend on the stage of cancer and the treatment they are receiving.

Concerns about treatment: The treatments may vary depending on the stage of cervical cancer, the side effects, the patient’s preference, and overall health. One must take time to learn about all the treatment options and costs associated with it. They can resolve any doubts they have by talking to their doctor. Treatment will be given by a multidisciplinary team of health care specialists, including counselors, dieticians, and others. Women with cervical cancer may have concerns about the effect of treatment on their sexual function and fertility. These topics should be discussed with the health care team before treatment begins. If one is pregnant, then they must ask the doctor about how the course of treatment could affect the mother and child or if treatment can be delayed until after the baby is born.

Cost of treatment: One needs to work out the expenses related to treatment and health care. In the case of financial difficulty, there are national organizations and local service organizations that help people with cancer. A lot of data is available online and through local support groups. One should not shy away from asking for help if needed as prolonged treatment can be very expensive and stopping midway due to a financial crunch can lead to severe deterioration of health.

Work: Having cervical cancer does not mean one will have to give up on work, although it may be necessary to take time some off for treatment and rest. Cancer patients are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 2008. One should understand their right to make reasonable requests with their employer regarding leave and taking time off in between work hours for treatment. Talking to the HR department might help in working out a way to cope with treatments while continuing work.

Physical and emotional wellbeing is of utmost importance. A healthy diet, as prescribed by doctors, should be followed. One can also engage in mild physical activity to keep energy levels high. Consider joining support groups as they offer a committed space to talk to people with similar concerns. On-line groups offer the comfort of anonymity to discuss issues one may not bring up in a face-to-face conversation.

Women with advanced cervical cancer who have a short life expectancy can consider palliative care like hospice care. Hospice care is designed to provide the best quality of life for people who face a high risk of fatality. One can opt for hospice care at home or a healthcare location.

Coping strategies are of vital importance as they can help patients find strength in themselves and provide hope as well.