Get to know about the different types of anemia

Get to know about the different types of anemia

Anemia is basically a health condition in which your body does not have enough healthy red blood cells (RBCs), which are responsible for carrying the required oxygen through the tissues of the body. Having anemia results in a lot of weakness for the patient.

There are different forms of anemia, which occur due to varying causes in the body. Depending on the type and the treatment you undertake, anemia may be long-term as well as temporary. It may range anywhere between mild to severe. Getting medical intervention is necessary just to know whether the symptoms are easily treatable so that you do not end up with a serious illness. Here are the different types of anemia along with their causes:

  • Anemia due to iron deficiency
    The most common type of anemia in the whole world is due to iron deficiency. The bone marrow needs adequate iron to create hemoglobin. If there is not enough hemoglobin in the body, the lack of it may result in anemia .
  • Aplastic anemia
    The reduced production of RBCs is characterized by Aplastic anemia . The main cause behind this may be a certain medicine, an infection, an exposure to toxic chemicals, or even autoimmune diseases. However, this is a serious type and requires rectification right away.
  • Hemolytic anemia
    In this condition, anemia is caused because of the low production of RBCs in comparison to their replacement by their bone marrow. Many blood diseases result into the destruction of the RBC production and may be attributed to resulting in hemolytic anemia .
  • Anemia due to vitamin deficiency
    The body also requires enough folate and Vitamin B-12 along with iron for the production of healthy RBCs. Food items such as citrus fruits, beans, and leafy green vegetables are rich in folic acid. If your diet lacks in these, then the production of RBCs may go down, which in turn, may result in anemia .
  • Anemia due to bone marrow disease
    Any bone marrow disease, such as myelofibrosis and leukemia, affects the primary functioning of bone marrows, which is to produce RBCs. The lack of this may result in anemia .
  • Sickle cell anemia
    Considered a serious condition, sickle cell anemia may be inherited as well. It is generally caused by a certain defect in the hemoglobin formation, which forces the RBCs to become sickle-shaped. Most of these cells end up dying prematurely, hence resulting in this type of anemia .
  • Anemia due to a chronic disease
    Since anemia is caused primarily due to a lack of RBCs, a list of chronic diseases may also be the reason behind your health condition. So, for patients affected with cancer, AIDS, or Crohn’s disease, anemia may be a common accompanying disorder.
  • Other types
    Some of the other types of anemia include:
  • Malaria anemia
  • Thalassemia

Irrespective of the cause, anemia is a serious condition, which may hamper your day-to-day functioning. To avoid suffering from it, it is important that you follow a vitamin-rich diet, avoid having caffeinated drinks with your meal, and ensure you consume adequate portions of iron-fortified foods.