Major causes and symptoms of a heart attack

Major causes and symptoms of a heart attack

A heart attack is the result of blocked blood flow to the heart. This blockage is often due to deposits of cholesterol, fat, and some other substances that form a buildup in the coronary arteries that feed the heart. This buildup gradually breaks to form a clot. This interrupted blood flow can destroy or damage parts of the heart muscle. The causes of a heart attack are stated below:

  • Angina: This results in chest pain because of a lack of blood supply or oxygen to the heart, and can affect the muscles of the heart.
  • Higher cholesterol levels: Having high levels of cholesterol can increase the chances of having a blood clot in the arteries.
  • Age: Heart attacks become more likely when a man is over the age of 45, and a woman is over the age of 55.
  • Diabetes: This is another factor that can increase the risk of heart attacks.
  • Genetics: A person can be at a higher risk of a heart attack due to their genetics as well.
  • Diet: Large quantities of saturated fats in the bloodstream can also increase the chances of a heart attack.
  • Having a heart surgery: The chances of having a heart attack due to a heart surgery increase later.
  • Hypertension: Having a high blood pressure can put a higher amount of strain on the heart that can later lead to a heart attack.
  • Obesity: Being overweight can also put increased pressure on the muscles of the heart.
  • Smoking: Smoking puts people at a higher risk of an attack.
  • A previous heart attack: If someone has already suffered from a heart attack the chances of suffering from another one increase.
  • Physical inactivity: Physical inactivity is a major factor in risks of a heart attack. The more active someone is, the lower is the risk of having a heart attack.
  • HIV: People who are HIV positive are at a higher risk of a heart attack.
  • Work stress: People who work in shifts or those with stressful jobs can be at a higher risk of a heart attack.

A heart attack is caused by a combination of factors rather than just a single one.

Symptoms of a heart attack

  • Experiencing indigestion, nausea, abdominal pain, or heartburn.
  • Feeling fatigue
  • Experiencing shortness of breath
  • Experiencing tightness, pressure, pain, or feeling an aching sensation in your arms or chest that can spread to the jaw, back, or neck
  • Drenched in cold sweat
  • Experiencing light-headedness or a sudden dizziness

It should be noted that not everyone has the same symptoms when having a heart attack. Some can experience mild pain while others can experience a more severe form of it. Many also don’t experience any such symptom at all. But the more symptoms there are, the likelihood of having a heart attack increases.

It is advised to seek medical attention as soon as you begin experiencing and noticing the symptoms of a heart attack. For many the situation becomes worse if an action is not taken immediately.