Natural Green Grass Lawn Tips

Natural Green Grass Lawn Tips

Do you take pride in caring for your lawn? Time and money are spent tending to lawns to keep them healthy and lush. However, using chemical sprays and pesticides may not be your best option when trying to care for your lawn. Pesticides are designed to kill living organisms which means harm comes to humans, pets, and even the environment. Chemical sprays and fertilizers can be harmful to your lawn as well by killing off the surrounding bacteria and organisms that help your grass grow.

Here are a few ways you can have chemical free lawn care:

1. Pest deterrent plants
If you’re looking for a more natural way to keep away bugs try plants. Chrysanthemums alone keep away ants, Japanese beetles, lice, silverfish, ticks, spider mites, bed bugs, roaches, and harlequin bugs. Marigolds also keep away rabbits and mosquitoes. There are several plants you will find that keep away certain pest that you’re having problems with.

2. Natural non-chemical lawn products
You can find products that are chemical-free if you’re looking for a faster solution. There are many natural fertilizers and pesticides in local stores, and even more online. Not only do they get the job done, but they are safe to use around pets and children.

3. Mulch
If the problem you’re having isn’t bug related and it’s those pesky weeds, try using mulch. This will keep in moisture, decorate your landscape, and suffocate any weeds lingering below the surface. You can find different variations of mulch, not only in color but in quality and type.

4. Compost
Looking for a way to naturally fertilize your lawn or plants? Compost has essential nutrients for plant growth, as well as improves the structure of your soil. You can find many different kinds of compost that help with your specific needs.

5. DIY lawn sprays
Making your own lawn spray isn’t very difficult or time-consuming. No chemical spray has safe ingredients to be around pets or children. However, there are many simple natural concoctions posted online that are. If you want to make a spray specific to your needs without harmful chemicals, this may be a perfect option. You can make sprays for weeds, bug repellent, or even the growth of plants and grass.

Benefits of natural lawn care is the improvement of soil, good for the environment, healthier grass, and safe for humans and pets. Natural lawn care, free of chemical spray and damaging pesticides is the safest way to care for your lawn. This will also prevent any damage to your lawn done by harsh chemicals.