The Benefits of Moisturizing Daily Disposable Lenses

The Benefits of Moisturizing Daily Disposable Lenses

Presbyopia is a natural decline in vision that happens as you get older. It is generally seen in those diagnosed with farsightedness, and is caused by loss of elasticity of the eye lens. Presbyopia is very common, with 3 million new diagnoses every year. Some of the common symptoms include eye strain and blurred vision. Optometrists and ophthalmologists often recommend wearing daily disposable lenses, such as Biotrue ONEday, as one of the most effective treatments for presbyopia, as well as eye condition such as near-sightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism. 

Proven research conducted on wearing moisturizing daily disposable contact lenses has made the benefits real:

1. Convenience
With glasses, it may limit the patient’s daily functions. For example, if you like to go swimming, workout, or go running, it may be hard for you to keep your glasses while performing the activity. Even if you decide to go with traditional contact lenses, it can be a struggle to make sure that you keep them moisturized and clean. Instead, opting for daily moisturizing lenses offer the best of both worlds. By changing your lenses every day, you know that they are perfectly clean and moisturized, which gives you more time to focus on your favorite sports and activities as well as seamless sight when transitioning from near to far (i.e., while driving).

2. Cost
Contrary to popular belief, it is actually cheaper to get a daily supply of contact lenses than to go the traditional route using monthly disposables (which you use for a month before throwing out). Even if you compare the cost of daily vs. monthly contact lenses, it is still significantly cheaper.
For example, a 90 day supply of contact lenses will cost roughly $30 (USD), compared to $50 (USD) for a monthly pair of contact lenses. That extra $20 can be used towards your next supply of daily lenses.

3. Comfort
As contact lenses wear out over an entire month of wear, they can become less comfortable for your eyes due to several factors. The longer that contact lenses are made for use, the more rigid they are. This means that comfort can be overlooked in order to stretch out the wear time.
By switching to daily contact lenses, you can be sure that your lenses are always at peak comfort and moisture. This is a necessity if your eyesight is declining or if you have another eye condition (i.e., macular degeneration, near-sighted or farsighted, or astigmatic). Having comfortable lenses ensure your eyes perform at their best. This is especially true if you have switched over from glasses to contacts, as glasses make your eyes work harder and often the eyes become drier as a result. Keep in mind that name brand moisturizing contacts, such as
Biotrue ONEday are designed to moisturize as you blink because they contain equivalent water content as a healthy human eye, providing moisture all day long. 

4. Cleanliness
Daily moisturizing contact lenses also support the health and cleanliness of your eyes. By changing out your contact lenses daily, your eyes get an adequate supply of oxygen and moisture. This improves circulation, which in turn helps your eyesight as well. Wearing daily contact lenses also decreases the risk of eye infections. Since you know that every pair of new contacts you use is clean and sterile, there is less risk of dirt, debris, and bacteria getting into your eyes.