Tips and home remedies for the prevention of hair loss
Hair loss is a common problem, but if you see more hair than usual on your pillow or in the shower, it’s time to diagnose the underlying cause. It is natural for hair to fall while combing, and new strands grow and replace them. Excessive hair loss, on the other hand, could be a result of illness, genetics, medication, or following a poor diet, and it can be extremely disturbing and embarrassing. Two ways to prevent hair loss would be with the help of medical intervention and through changes in the diet.
Although natural balding cannot be reversed, hair can be protected from damage that could cause thinning. Chemical-laden cosmetics, hot curlers, hair dryers, and hair dyes should be avoided as they are the most common causes of hair loss. Here are some tips to follow to prevent hair damage that could result in hair loss:
- It is ideal to maintain the natural color of hair and avoid coloring often.
- It is important to choose hair products wisely. Whether it is a shampoo, curler, or hairbrush, it should be the type that would not be too harsh and would not damage the hair.
- A good brush and a proper brushing technique help in preventing hair loss.
- It is important to know the underlying causes of hair loss to treat or prevent it. Good nutrition is as important as good hygiene, and adequate levels of iron and vitamin B should be maintained. Timely treatment of medical conditions like thyroid disease, hormonal imbalance, and anemia helps to prevent hair loss to a great extent. Both emotional and physical stress is responsible for hair loss, and stress relief is advisable to prevent hair loss.
Simple but effective home remedies for prevention of hair loss
- Massage the scalp with aloe vera gel or coconut milk as this helps in conditioning and fighting hair loss.
- Hair can regrow by stimulating the scalp with a hot oil massage as it increases the circulation around the follicles.
- Hair packs with egg and yogurt condition and nourish the hair.
- Good and balanced food habits and a stress-free life can save you from hair loss.
- Rinse the hair thoroughly to unclog the hair follicles.
Things to avoid to prevent hair fall
- Rubbing or brushing wet hair vigorously, causing breakage.
- Tying the hair too tightly.
- Using heat on the hair too often is bad, and continuous use of hair dryer causes the hair to become brittle and damaged, leading to breakage.
- Frequent washing of hair and using a certain styling product with heavy chemicals.
When the body is low on protein, it finds a way to conserve it by halting hair growth. Eating more meat, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, and beans adds more protein to your diet. Also, eating plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits and following a proper diet will keep your hair healthy and help reduce hair loss.