Top 4 Advantages Of Free Trials For Contact Lenses

Top 4 Advantages Of Free Trials For Contact Lenses

Throughout the day, we use our eyes for so many tasks, such as working at our computers, driving, getting a workout, cooking, hobbies, and watching television. It is advantageous to use contact lenses because it makes everything so much easier and convenient when you are constantly on the move. When you are wearing your glasses to workout or running errands, they may slip down your nose and get jostled around. However, with contacts, your lenses stay put and your vision is reliable.

Thankfully, if you’ve never tried contact lenses in the past, you can sample out monthly and daily contact lens via a free trial though companies like Biotrue ONEday, Bausch and Lomb, and Biofinity, and experience the following benefits of wearing glasses, firsthand:

1. Comfort
The comfort of contact lenses is very important so you don’t realize that you even have them in your eyes. Contact lenses offer so much variability as far as viewing distance, on the move, or close up at a computer. Plus, many daily contact lens options come in moisturizing lenses for extra comfort.

2. Cost
The continuous cost of monthly or daily contacts can seem great when compared with the one-time cost of glasses. However, if you consider that you’re getting the convenience of daily, twice a month, or monthly with contacts, the cost may seem worth the stress-free nature. For example, daily disposables are very popular because they don’t require any contact solution or regular cleaning, and these cost a little more than monthly disposable contact lenses. If you’re worried about cost, look into online brands that offer package deals (yearly or monthly) in bulk to lower the overall cost.

3. Cleanliness
We’ve touched a little bit on convenience and cleanliness when it comes to choosing between daily or monthly contacts. For instance, for individuals who clean and maintain their contacts over a monthly basis without forgetting to use saline solution to regularly rinse them may prefer monthlies. On the other hand, if you tend to forget to clean your contacts, the convenience of dailys may save you an eye infection.

4. Improved viewing
Up until the past few years, contact lens were impossible for most patients with astigmatism, where normal contact lens wouldn’t fit appropriately over the curved cornea. However, late contact lens technology has introduced new and improved lens technology to help target this problem. If you have astigmatism, look into free trials for Biotrue ONEday specifically for astigmatism lenses that flatter the unique curvature of the eye while reducing halos, glare, dry eye, and stay put when blinking.