Top Hair Removal and Shaving Tips

Top Hair Removal and Shaving Tips

There is nothing more disappointing than trying to shave then ending up with irritated skin, nicks all over that won’t stop bleeding, or a rash due to a negative skin reaction to a product you used. It’s like taking care of one problem while creating another mess. It’s more frustrating for first-timers because you often don’t know what shaving hair removal products best suit your skin type and needs. So before you go splurging at the spa, here are a few options you should consider for effective home hair removal and shaving:

1. Razors
The most popular go-to option for shaving and hair removal for a lot of people is the disposable razor. It is cheap and very convenient; it can be used on any part of the body. Tips for shaving properly with a razor include:

  • Prior to shaving, always wet your skin. A preferable time for shaving is after you have taken a shower. Not only will your hair be softened, but you will be free of dirt and oils that may clog up your razor blade.
  • Make sure the blade is fresh, a dull blade is more likely to cause irritation and chafing. 
  • If you are in a hurry and can’t seem to find your shaving gel, use a hair conditioner instead. 
  • Also, exfoliate your skin beforehand to reduce ingrown hair razor bumps when shaving. 
  • For a cleaner, closer shave, ensure that you rinse your razor after every stroke. 
  • To soothe irritated skin after a shave, try applying aloe Vera immediately after shaving.

2. Home sugaring kits
The sugaring method is often preferred since it tends to last longer than waxing, and some users say it hurts a lot less. Tips for effective home sugaring include the following:

  • Use a pre-sugaring skin cleanser to protect the skin from inflammation and irritation. 
  • For the best results, don’t sugar immediately after a shower, since your skin will be too soft for the paste to stick on. 
  • You can make your sugaring kits at home also with stuff from your kitchen. For example, combine white sugar, lemon juice and warm water in a medium sized pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and remove the pot once the sugar mixture is golden brown. Let cool for 30-minutes prior to using.

3. Hair removal creams
Depilatory creams have one thing going for them; they are painless. Otherwise, their convenience is dependent on the kind of chemicals they are made of for it to give satisfactory results. Tips for hair removal with depilatory creams include:

  • Pick with your hair removal creams depending on your skin and hair type. If you have sensitive skin, go for mild options that will not leave your skin irritated or breaking out. 
  • When using the creams, test them first on a small part of the skin before going all the way in so you can test for a reaction.

4. Home waxing kits
Compared to regular waxing at a salon, this method is considered less painful and convenient. Before home waxing:

  •  If you are intolerant to pain, take an ibuprofen half an hour before you start waxing. 
  • To prevent disastrous results, don’t forget to test a small area of your skin first to gauge your skin’s reaction.
  • Some home waxing kits come with post-care qualities such as moisturizers and oil wipes that will aid to soothe your skin, also removing any waxy residue.