Treatment options available for leukemia

Treatment options available for leukemia

Leukemia is cancer in the tissues which form blood. It even gets in the bone marrow. It hinders the ability of the human body to fight against germs and infection. There are mainly three types of cancer- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and lymphoblastic leukemia. Depending on the stages and types of cancer, treatment options are available. The emergence of symptoms in the body is depended on the age of the persons who are infected with this.

The several treatment options for leukemia
Somehow, the treatment is based on the symptoms the patient is experiencing every day. It includes frequent infections on the skin, weight loss, and fatigue. Bruising and easy bleeding are also symptoms of leukemia. Thus, the doctor will prescribe the patient to undergo treatment after a proper diagnose. Treatment options slightly differ for aggressive leukemia and slow-growing leukemia.

The various treatment options are explained below:

Stem cell transplant
This is only applicable for aggressive leukemia. In this treatment, the patient is treated with a high dose of radiation or drugs. Sometimes, both the processes are used for keeping its severity under control. It effectively helps in destroying the affected cells in the blood and bone marrow. After a few certain days of this treatment, the healthy stem cell is provided to the body via veins as its substitute.

Radiation therapy
In this particular treatment for leukemia, high-energy beams or X-rays are used for damaging the leukemia cells’ growth and expansion in the body. The radiation is given to the particular area of the body where the cells have got damaged by the leukemia cells. The patients are prescribed to undergo this therapy too before the stem cell transplant.

Targeted therapy
People who are affected with acute lymphoblastic leukemia or with chronic myeloid leukemia are suggested to undergo this particular therapy. The prime aim of this therapy is to resist the leukemia cells’ growth and expansion in the body. This therapy is the best and most preferable as it only harms and damages the affected cells and doesn’t create any effect on the normal cells in the blood vessels and bone marrow.

It is the most reliable therapy for treating leukemia. Monoclonal antibody is such a substance which helps in improving the natural defenses of the body. These natural defensive properties help the immune system to fight against these harmful cells whenever they will try to attack your body. This antibody is provided to the body with the help of an IV infusion.

It is a widely used therapy or treatment for treating leukemia and other similar cancers. The mediums which can be used for providing the therapy to your body are based on the requirement of the drugs and its dosages for your body. It can be provided via the mouth, and vein with the usage of the IV, and a catheter. It effectively kills the rapid-growing leukemia cells and can be directly injected into the cerebrospinal fluid, too.

Apart from these therapies, there are a few medications which are able to deal with slow-growing leukemia.