Treatments for dental cavities

Treatments for dental cavities

Dental cavities mainly occur due to tooth decay. Poor oral hygiene and buildup of plaque are the primary factors that cause cavities. Many treatment options are available for dental cavities, some of which are discussed below.

Dental cavities
Cavities are holes in the teeth caused by tooth decay. It occurs due to the buildup of plaque caused by poor oral hygiene. Sugar in food can react with bacteria to form acids that can eat through the teeth, causing decay.

If not treated on time, it can lead to the loss of the tooth.

Treatment for cavities
When it comes to cavities, prevention is better than cure. Regular dental checkups can help in spotting cavities at an early stage, and it can be treated before it causes additional problems.

Here are some of the treatment options available once you are diagnosed with cavities:

  • Fluoride treatment
  • Removal of the tooth
  • Fillings
  • Dental crowns
  • Root canal treatment

Fluoride treatment
At an early stage, tooth decay can be treated with the help of fluoride treatment. This involves the use of a gel or liquid fluoride brushed onto the teeth. It can help reverse the cavity.

Removal of the tooth
If the decay is at an advanced stage and there is no hope for repair, then tooth extraction is the only way out. Sometimes, when the wisdom tooth decays, people may prefer extraction as other treatments may not be of help.

Restoration or filling is the primary treatment for cavities, but only if the cavity is detected before the outside enamel is dissolved. A filling made of resin or a special amalgam is used to fill the cavity.

Dental crowns
When the enamel is broken or the tooth has become weak, a cap or crown is fitted on to it to replace the natural crown of the tooth. Crowns can be made of different materials, including gold, metal, porcelain, and resin.

The dentist will take the measurement of the tooth so that the crown ordered from the lab fits perfectly.

Root canal
When tooth decay is at an advanced stage and has reached the inner pulp, then a root canal treatment is needed. Here, the damaged tooth pulp is removed. It is then replaced with a filling and a crown is placed on the tooth. This can help to save the tooth from further damage.

Treatment for cavities and its symptoms are painful and bothersome. So, it is better to prevent their development in the first place. It is easy to prevent cavities. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Regular checkups at least once in six months or once a year help to spot cavities at an early stage.
  • Brush twice a day, especially before going to bed using a toothpaste with fluoride.
  • Reduce the consumption of sweet food items and brush every time after having them.
  • Floss the teeth to ensure that food particles don’t get stuck and form plaque.