Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the nervous system and spinal cord, which mistakenly attacks the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is a layer of protection around the nerve cells. There are several MS treatment options. However, proper diagnosis is one of the keys to getting the right treatment.

The following are early MS symptoms you may encounter:

1. Vision problems
MS may start to affect your eyes before it affects any other part of your body. MS triggers inflammation, which can result in vision problems. You may have blurred vision or double vision. You may also notice that your vision gradually gets worse.

2. Balance problems
MS can affect your balance. You may also feel dizzy when you try to stand up and try to walk. Additionally, it is common for people to experience a phenomenon as vertigo. This is where a person constantly feels like everything around them is spinning.

3. Tingling and numbness
Numbness and tingling is often referred to as a feeling of pins and needles. The reason that this numbness and tingling occurs is because MS changes the way that your nerve cells communicate. You may feel tingling and numbness in your fingers, arms, face and legs.

4. Bladder issues
MS can eventually affect your bladder. It is estimated that 80 percent of people who have MS have bladder problems. You may find yourself having to urinate often. You may also have a hard time holding your urine. In many cases, people are able to control their symptoms with the right medication. MS can also cause bowel issues, such as loss of bowel control, diarrhea and constipation.

5. Weakness or fatigue
It is common for people to blame weakness and fatigue on other things. However, these things can be a sign of MS. It is estimated that 80 percent of people with MS have weakness and fatigue. MS will eventually destroy the nerves in your spine. This is what can cause fatigue. The fatigue may worsen for a few weeks before it improves.

6. Cognitive problems
MS can affect your brain. You may have problems retaining information. You may also notice that your attention span is a lot shorter than it used to be. Additionally, it may be a lot harder for you to solve problems. This can cause problems at work or school, or even keeping track of everyday tasks and appointments.

7. Pains and spasms
These are among the most common MS symptoms. In fact, it is estimated that half of the people who suffer from MS have spasms and pain. You may also notice that your muscles gradually get stiffer. You are most likely to have pain and spasms in your back. However, you may also feel it in your legs.

If you begin to notice any of the symptoms listed above, it is best to contact your doctor as soon as possible for proper medical assistance.