Dietary changes to make after a heart attack
Fitness & Diet

Dietary changes to make after a heart attack

Heart attack or myocardial infarction is a severe medical emergency where the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart gets blocked due to some reason, and the heart muscles become deprived of oxygen and nourishment. If help does not come on time, the muscle starts dying within a few moments. Heart attacks are a widespread medical issue in the country, and studies have revealed that every 40 seconds, a person experiences this emergency. Basic nutritional guidelines for patients who’ve suffered from a heart attack The American Heart Association recommends that patients with coronary artery diseases (CAD) like heart attack, angina, or acute coronary syndrome should be vigilant about their food consumption. Studies have revealed that a healthy diet helps to improve cardiac health. Patients should have adequate quantities of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in their regular diet. Foods to avoid after a heart attack Nutritionists recommend that patients who’ve suffered from a heart attack should avoid food products which have a sizeable quantity of saturated fats (poultry with skin, fatty meat like pork and beef, butter, coconut, and palm oil) and trans fats (cookies, doughnuts, cakes, crackers, and frozen pies). These two groups of fats lead to the buildup of plaque within the arteries.
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Diet plan for fibromyalgia patients
Fitness & Diet

Diet plan for fibromyalgia patients

Fibromyalgia is a serious condition that leads to excessive pain and tender points in the body. Many times, the symptoms of fibromyalgia are confused with joint inflammation or arthritis. Because of this, the problem gets hard to treat. Thus, it is imperative to see a doctor who has considerable experience in treating fibromyalgia. Here we discuss choosing the right foods which can help in lessening the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Avoid foods that contain glutamate Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that is naturally present in the body. This ingredient is also added to certain food items to enhance their flavor. Studies reveal that consuming glutamate can aggravate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Common food items that contain this ingredient include canned soups and vegetables, processed meats and Chinese foods. Steer clear of processed foods It is advisable to avoid processed foods and instead choose more of whole foods. This is because processed food items, such as white pasta, white rice, white flour, among others contain more additives. They have been stripped off naturally occurring nutrients and fiber. It is better to focus on whole foods, such as whole wheat, berries, brown or wild rice, quinoa, among others. Opt for a DASH diet A DASH diet plan focuses on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, seeds, nuts, legumes, and low-fat dairy products.
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Diet plan for a thyroid cancer patient
Fitness & Diet

Diet plan for a thyroid cancer patient

The butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck is known as the thyroid gland. Thyroid gland releases hormones that control the metabolism in the body and a number of other functions such as consumption of oxygen, energy and so on. When the cells in this gland mutate abnormally, they cause thyroid cancer. It is one of the most treatable cancers. Throat pain, lumps in the neck, vocal changes, persistent cough and difficulty in swallowing are some of the symptoms of thyroid cancer. It can be diagnosed by a number of tests such as physical examination, CT scan, biopsy, ultrasound scan, PET scan, and radioiodine scan. Thyroid cancer and the treatments for the same tend to damage the immune system of the body. It is essential to follow a nutritious diet program to provide the necessary strength to your body to fight the cancer and to withstand the effects of the treatment. Patients with thyroid cancer should include the following food groups in their diet. Whole grains Whole grains are filled with the goodness of health. They contain a number of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein, which are essential to promote good health. Whole grains have a low-glycemic index, which helps in better management of blood sugar levels and digestive health.
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Best diet for hypertension patients
Fitness & Diet

Best diet for hypertension patients

The pressure of blood against your artery walls is known as blood pressure. When the pressure on the walls increases beyond the normal level, it is known as hypertension or high blood pressure. Also referred to as a silent killer, high blood pressure or hypertension can cause some severe problems like blood vessel damage, which can lead to heart diseases, stroke, kidney disease, and other issues. Hypertension is considered to be a silent killer as it can go unnoticed and untreated because it shows decidedly few symptoms or sometimes no symptoms at all for years. One of the best ways of reducing your blood pressure and keeping your hypertension under control is to follow a proper diet and good food habits. DASH diet is considered to be the best diet for hypertension patients. What is the DASH diet? An eating plan that is used to control hypertension by increasing the number of foods that are high in nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, fiber, and protein is known as DASH diet or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. An eating plan is made which is rich in veggies, whole grains, fruits, fish, nuts, legumes, poultry, and low-fat dairy. The dietary approaches to stop hypertension or DASH diet helps you in lowering the blood pressure as it has less sugar and salt than the typical diet that we take.
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Dietary tips for those diagnosed with liver cancer
Fitness & Diet

Dietary tips for those diagnosed with liver cancer

Liver cancer occurs due to the collection of malignant cells in the liver. It can have a debilitating effect on the overall health of your body and may even start impacting the other major organs as well. There are instances where the cancer cells develop outside the liver and then spread to the liver itself; but in other instances, these cancer cells become malignant inside the liver itself. The liver is one of the largest organs in the human body and is mainly used to clean the blood and to remove toxins from the same. Naturally, the formation of malignant cells within this organ is bound to affect its functioning, which will start a cascading effect and soon affect the rest of your body as well. It is vital that you seek a consultation with a specialist for immediate treatment if you notice liver cancer symptoms. Meanwhile, there are a few things that you can do such as make some changes to your regular diet, which should provide your body with the required energy to combat liver cancer. A proper diet can help you manage symptoms and side effects of treatment as well. Dietary tips When you are diagnosed with something serious as liver cancer, you may want to watch your diet, as healthy nutrition can help you fight off the same.
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What is a proper diet for an osteoarthritis patient
Fitness & Diet

What is a proper diet for an osteoarthritis patient

Osteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis that affects a large number of people in the United States. The condition arises when the cartilages in the joints get damaged over time and mechanical abnormalities develop within the bone joints. It generally occurs at the age of 45 or above. However, it tends to worsen with passing of time, if it is not properly treated. Although osteoarthritis can occur in any joint in the body, most people experience it in the hips, knees, spine, and hands. Diet and osteoarthritis Although there is no diet that can cure osteoarthritis, it can greatly help in reducing the symptoms. Proper nutritive and wholesome diet plays an integral role in minimizing the pain of this debilitating disorder. The diet of a person suffering from osteoarthritis must include vitamin D and calcium since these important minerals help to strengthen the bones. Inclusion of vitamin C and E is also important for protection. This is because certain foods have anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the pain associated with osteoarthritis. Consuming the right diet can help in a number of ways including: Reducing inflammation Preventing further joint damage Reducing cholesterol — which in turn affects osteoarthritis Maintaining a healthy body weight Foods you should have Oily fish :
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Things you need to know about the paleo diet
Fitness & Diet

Things you need to know about the paleo diet

The dietary plan which has been used by the people of the Paleolithic Era is known as the paleo diet . This diet was considered as the main diet of the people of ten thousand years ago. It represents the time when people used to have their food only by hunting. Thus, in this type of diet, you can find seeds, vegetables, fruits, fish, and meats. But, according to times, the other food products like grains, legumes, and dairy products are also included in this type of diet chart. This diet is also known as the caveman diet, hunter-gatherer diet, Stone Age diet, and Paleolithic diet. The purpose of the diet The reason to consume this diet plan is to help your body absorb all the nutrients, vitamins from the food consumed. It is not matched a bit with the modern dietary chart and the modern diet is different from that. Therefore, this can be the contributing factor to a different type of health issue including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. This diet has incorporated with the traditional practice of farming. Gradually, the people have changed its way and the diet chart has included legumes, grains, and dairy. These foods are also helpful for promoting the overall health of an individual.
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Follow these steps to maintain a volumetrics diet
Fitness & Diet

Follow these steps to maintain a volumetrics diet

Volumetrics diet is pioneered by Barbara Rolls, a professor of nutrition at Penn State University. Rolls meticulously designed this dietary chart without following the design of the structured diet. Thus, this particular type of diet has been categorized into four categories. In the first category, you can find non-starchy options; the next category consists of starchy products. Low-fat and high-fat are the two other categories of this diet chart. You have to follow the strict guidelines of food options for all the meals. The steps to follow the volumetrics diet There are a number of steps you can follow while maintaining a volumetrics diet. But there are a few rules that you can’t ignore. As this diet is loaded with a number of benefits, you can get the chance to lead a healthy lifestyle. The steps that you have to follow during this dietary chart are explained below: Easy to follow You can eat as much as you want while undergoing this diet. However, you have to visit the grocery store as this diet chart is loaded with a number of whole-seed grains, and you have to consume them. You can plan the diet chart as per your requirements. Alcohol can be included in the diet chart too but in a moderate amount in terms of glasses and days.
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Health benefits of following a keto diet
Fitness & Diet

Health benefits of following a keto diet

A keto diet basically comprises low carbs, adequate proteins, and high fats. The prime motto of this diet is to enable the body to absorb the required calories from the fat and protein rather than carbs. Thus, these are essential for breaking down of the sugar storage in the body which is the main factor of diabetes. Moreover, it promotes the breakdown of the fat and protein for providing energy to the body for performing its daily activities. The varied types of health benefits of the keto diet One of the most famous versions of the keto diet is the Atkins Diet. There are many more diets of this particular type which will help you to enjoy the various health benefits. As a result of this, you can be able to lead a healthy lifestyle and can stay active throughout the day. The different advantages of this particular type of diet are  explained below: Promotes the women health against PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS ) represents the enlargement of the ovaries due to the presence of cysts in it. The diet which is rich in carbohydrate can adversely affect this syndrome. Hence, this type of diet can help the woman who is suffering from this by undergoing this diet for a short period of 24 weeks.
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Dietary do’s and don’ts for irritable bowel syndrome
Fitness & Diet

Dietary do’s and don’ts for irritable bowel syndrome

Food is one of the main factors that could trigger the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome or help manage it. At the same time, there is no single diet plan that will aid in the management of symptoms. Instead of making drastic food choices, it is essential to follow a proper and regular diet after consulting a doctor. Some of the important dietary do’s and don’ts for people with irritable bowel syndrome are: Set up a food diary: Most people take a lot of time to understand which foods act as triggers and aggravate the symptoms of this condition. Having a food diary will ensure that one can identify these trigger foods and consciously take steps to avoid or supplement them in the diet. Some of the well-known triggers are milk, alcohol, high-fat foods, beans, cabbage, caffeine, and artificial sweeteners. Avoid eating big meals: One of the simple rules for people with irritable bowel syndrome is that they must ensure that they do not eat too much in one meal. It is better to have three big meals a day with 5-6 smaller meals in between. One must also make sure that they drink enough water to stay hydrated. Avoid both high fat and high carb foods:
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