Effects of rosacea that one should be aware of

Effects of rosacea that one should be aware of

Skin ailments can leave behind a trail of the psychological problem among patients and if it affects the face, its effects on patients are more pronounced. A majority of people suffering from rosacea also suffer from problems at a very personal and an emotional level. Rosacea affects their self-confidence and crushes their self-esteem to the extent that they become introverts. They end up avoiding or reducing their interaction with others. A majority of rosacea patients do admit that effective medical treatment results in an improvement of their personal and social well-being. It nevertheless invades their daily lives and forces them to retreat into a shell, shying away from socializing. People suffering from rosacea experience higher levels of depression, stress, anxiety, and embarrassment compared to those not affected. The psychological effects of rosacea can start at a very early stage, from the time visible symptoms start appearing. It is reported that many people with conclusive symptoms of rosacea wait for as long as 5 years before formally seeking treatment. A number of patients even take a break from medication, feeling embarrassed to visit clinics and when people in their family, friends and work circles come to know about it. Patients assume that others perceive them as ugly because of their skin condition that includes prominent patches and rashes on the face and visible blood vessels.
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Testicular cancer – Its treatment

Testicular cancer – Its treatment

Once the tests confirm the occurrence of testicular cancer, the first option is always to surgically remove the testicle. Chemotherapy treatment is done only if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Chemotherapy before surgery is done only in severe situations. In most cases, chemotherapy or radiation begins only after the surgery is completed. It is highly effective and can rid the cancer cells as they are highly sensitive to it. It works effectively even if the cancer has spread, but it does not work to tackle teratoma, one of the germ cells. Many of the nonseminomas are a combination of teratoma other types of germ cell tumors. Successful and effective treatment plans in these cases necessitate chemotherapy followed by surgery to remove the remaining tumor. For men diagnosed with early-stage seminoma or cancer that has spread to the brain, a regimen of radiation therapy is recommended. The final treatment option prescribed by the doctor depends on the patient’s specific situation. Most men have a lot of questions and doubts about the impact of the treatment on their overall health. They should speak to the team of oncologists and surgeons about their concerns and risks and get all their options examined and weighed thoroughly before the commencement of treatment.
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How to treat non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

How to treat non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma covers a group of cancers of the blood that are caused in the lymphocytes. These lymphocytes or white blood cells, a part of the immune system, fight hard to protect themselves against germs and infections. Cancer starts by affecting the body’s lymphatic system, which fights infections and also aids in the movement of fluids in the body. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is one of the most common cancers in the country. According to the American Cancer Society, over 74,000 people are estimated to have non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma by the end of 2019. Affecting both adults and children (more males than females), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma shows up with several symptoms. Some symptoms that are warning signs include enlarged lymph nodes, abdominal swelling, and loss of appetite, nightly sweats, and persistent fevers. If a person exhibits such symptoms and visits a doctor, a battery of tests will be done to determine the presence of lymphoma and the type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Diagnosis Physical exam and medical history A doctor will first get your family and your medical history to assess risk factors. Later, a thorough physical exam, especially in areas where your lymph nodes are present, will be conducted. Special attention is paid to areas where the spleen and liver are, as they get enlarged from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
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11 ways to prevent GERD

11 ways to prevent GERD

What you eat is important for a long, healthy life. But do you know how much you eat, and when you eat are also equally important? Wholesome nutritional food and correct eating habits play a crucial role in preventing GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), a digestive disorder. The abnormal backward flow of the acids from the stomach into the esophagus causes heartburn and chest pain when you suffer from GERD. It can be completely prevented with a certain lifestyle and diet modifications. Here are 11 ways to prevent GERD: Avoid foods that you know can lead to heartburn or give rise to symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Instead eat a balanced diet that has a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that calm down the stomach and ease symptoms. Eat small meals more frequently. Heavy meals can make you feel very full and put unnecessary pressure on the stomach. This could cause the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to relax and lead to regurgitation or acid reflux. Don’t give in to temptations in-between meals. Snacking usually results in you having unhealthy foods at the wrong time of the day. So it is best to avoid it completely and stick to consuming food that is good for your health.
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Causes and symptoms of glaucoma

Causes and symptoms of glaucoma

The images captured by the eyes are in the form of visual information that nerves in the eyes transmit to the brain. There are numerous nerves that crisscross the eyes, but among the most important are the optic nerves. They transmit the visual creating data to the brain from the eyes. Glaucoma is essentially age-related, as over a period of time, pressure tends to cause strain on the optic nerves. This pressure can end up rupturing the nerves, thus affecting vision. Glaucoma is hereditary and does not show any signs until later in life, but it can get worse over a long period of time. Acute cases of glaucoma, if undetected, can even lead to poor vision and even complete vision impairment. If detected in the initial stages, it can be treated to prevent acute damage. Loss of one’s vision due to glaucoma cannot be recovered. The anterior chamber is a small spot located in front of the eyes. It is from here that a transparent fluid flows through this chamber both ways. This fluid is vital to maintain a balance of tissues in this region of the eyes and also to nourish and keep the eyes in good health.
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Common treatment options for asthma

Common treatment options for asthma

Asthma treatments can be broadly categorized into three main categories, and these include – breathing exercises, immediate relief treatments, and long term medication for managing asthma. Each individual is different as they have various triggers or underlying causes, and there is no single form of universal treatment option to treat all conditions. The best course of action is to be determined by your doctor in order to ensure that all factors including your age, health, and triggers are well balanced and managed in the treatment plan. Practicing breathing exercises for sustainability in the long run One of the major perks of practicing breathing exercises is to learn to get more air into your lungs by inhaling and exhaling. This bears a significant mark on your lung’s health in the long run because it not only ups your lung capacity but also helps to slow down the onset of asthma symptoms as well as severe asthma attacks. All you have to do is get the help of your therapist or reach out to your doctor to learn the breathing exercises in the right manner. Use of emergency medication for immediate relief One can never be sure when the asthma attack may occur or how intense it would be.
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Symptoms and treatment of Kaposi’s sarcoma in AIDS and HIV

Symptoms and treatment of Kaposi’s sarcoma in AIDS and HIV

Kaposi’s sarcoma is the most common type of cancer occurring in people with AIDS. It is considered an AIDS-affirming manifestation, which simply means that if an HIV infected person shows the symptoms of Kaposi’s sarcoma, the virus has progressed to AIDS. This is the most common type of Kaposi’s sarcoma in the country, called the epidemic Kaposi’s sarcoma. Symptoms Cancer is formed from the cells that line the lymph nodes and blood vessels in the body. It shows up as lesions or tumors on the skin that are dark purplish or red in color. These tumors may also be in mucosal spots like the nose, lining of the mouth, and inside the digestive tract. Cancer takes time to grow and manifest and reaches the life-threatening stage only if it affects the lungs. Kaposi’s sarcoma in the lungs can result in severe breathing problems and can endanger one’s life. The person affected with Kaposi’s sarcoma undergoes severe stigma, especially if the lesions occur on the face. This can lead to social isolation. Apart from societal suffering, the patient has to deal with pain, especially if the lesions are ulcerated, and they can also cause breathing difficulties if they are present on the breathing tract.
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Causes and symptoms of dementia

Causes and symptoms of dementia

You are surrounded by a number of diseases in the world today. A lot more attention is paid to a lot of other diseases which were neglected once upon a time. Mental health is being discussed in a very proper manner and any diseases related to this field even remotely are not being passed off as untreatable. Strong research is going on in this field to identify the causes, treatment options and ways to provide techniques to prevent these diseases. A lot still has to be explored, discovered, invented and even simply understood. But there definitely has been a lot of progress and a lot that has unfolded in the past few years. One such condition which is being studied upon currently is dementia. This particular condition cannot exactly be called a specific disease. Dementia can be taken to be describing a set of symptoms which further cause trouble with memory, social abilities and thinking so much so that it may cause problems with your everyday functioning. While as a part of this condition, one would mostly experience memory loss, memory loss alone cannot be called dementia. Dementia can be caused due to a lot of different factors and depending on the factor which causes dementia, the symptoms would usually vary.
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Types and symptoms of brain tumor

Types and symptoms of brain tumor

There are many types of brain tumors, which are fundamentally divided into primary and secondary brain tumors. Primary brain tumors occur in the brain and other parts of the central nervous system (CNS). Secondary brain tumors are a result of malignant tumors in other parts of the body metastasizing (spreading) to the brain. Most secondary brain tumors are malignant. Primary brain tumors can affect any or all of the brain cells, nerve cells in the CNS, and the meninges (the membrane surrounding the brain, and glands). The major types of primary brain tumors are gliomas and meningiomas. Gliomas affect the glial cells that surround, insulate, and support the neurons. The different types of brain tumors affecting the glial cells are: Astrocytomas: These occur in a type of glial cells called astrocytes (star-shaped cells) in the cerebrum. Astrocytomas can progress from Grades I and II (low-grade) to III (high-grade anaplastic astrocytomas) and IV (malignant astrocytic glioma). Glioblastomas: The most aggressive type of brain tumors also affects the astrocytes. Sometimes glioblastomas are referred to as Grade IV astrocytomas. Oligodendrogliomas: These are most often found in a type of glial cell known as oligodendrocyte. These cells produce the fat that surrounds and protects the nerves.
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All you need to know about iron deficiency anemia

All you need to know about iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a disorder that sets in when the number of red blood cells in the blood fall below the normal range. There are many reasons why red blood cell quantities decrease. One of the reasons is the depletion of hemoglobin and the impaired ability of the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. It starts gradually and many people with the disorder are not aware of its presence. The disorder can be very mild and very minor symptoms may exist. As the condition worsens the symptoms become pronounced. These symptoms include: Lightheadedness, dizziness, and headache Weakness, tiredness, and extreme fatigue Shortness of breath Rapid heart rate Weird cravings for non-food items like dirt, clay starch, and paper – a condition termed pica Low appetite especially in children and adolescents Cold hands and feet Pale skin Brittle, ridged, and concave nails Sore and swollen tongue Chest pain The level of iron in the blood can decrease due to a few factors. The most common factors are through excessive blood loss. Women lose blood through menstruation. Disorders of the intestinal tract like ulcers, polyps, or cancer cause excessive bleeding. The long-term use of certain medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and arthritis drugs may cause gastrointestinal bleeding.
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