Treatment for Crohn’s disease

Treatment for Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing cramps, abscesses in the gut, anal fissures, rectal bleeding while passing stools, rapid weight loss, and extreme fatigue. While the cause for the disease is unknown, research shows that about 10 percent of the people suffering from Crohn’s disease have a blood relative with the condition as well. Treatment options There is no known cure for Crohn’s disease as of now, but there are various treatment options for patients to reduce and control the symptoms and manage the disease. The goal is to reduce inflammation that triggers most symptoms and avoid or address complications to prevent long-term remission. Medication Anti-inflammatory medication is the first step to address the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. These include antibiotics, corticosteroids, and aminosalicylates. Antibiotics : These may be prescribed by the gastroenterologist to address infections and complications that arise from Crohn’s disease. Corticosteroids : These work to reduce inflammation in the body, but not everyone with Crohn’s disease responds to corticosteroids. They are usually used for a short period to improve the symptoms and put the person on remission. Aminosalicylates : Either taken orally or administered rectally, aminosalicylates are used to reduce the inflammation of the small intestines.
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Treatment and prevention of meningitis

Treatment and prevention of meningitis

Meningitis is a condition where the protective membranes of the brain and spinal cord get inflamed, mostly due to an infection. This condition is treated based on the cause and severity of the inflammation. The main focus of the treatment is to reduce swelling around the brain and provide comfort to the patient. Antibiotics will be used if meningitis is caused by a bacterial infection, and antiviral medications may be prescribed if the cause is a viral infection. The strength of medication is altered according to the severity of the condition. These medicines help in reducing inflammation and fluid build-up in the brain. Here are the treatments for meningitis: Antiviral medicines: Usually, viral meningitis gets better on its own without any specific treatment, but depending on symptoms, the physician may prescribe antiviral medication. Antibiotics: In cases of bacteria-caused meningitis, oral or intravenous antibiotics will be prescribed to fight bacterial infections. The type of antibiotic prescribed would be based on the type of bacteria, the medical history of the patient, and symptoms. Diuretics: The fluid build-up in the brain can be decreased with the help of diuretics prescribed by a physician. Steroids: When the inflammation in the brain is severe enough to cause harm, steroids are prescribed in the form of intravenous or oral medicines.
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Diagnosis of ovarian cancer

Diagnosis of ovarian cancer

Cancers that begin in the female reproductive organs that produce ovaries are called ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancers can be treated better when detected earlier. If you experience symptoms that might be due to ovarian cancer, the doctor will recommend exams and tests to find out the cause to provide suitable treatment. Common tests and procedures used to diagnose ovarian cancer include: Pelvic exam: A pelvic exam is a doctor’s physical examination of a woman’s reproductive organs such as ovaries, vulva, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, bladder, and rectum. Generally, pelvic exams are essential for examining a woman’s sexual and reproductive health. But they are also used to detect life-threatening conditions, such as cancer or infections. Blood tests: Blood tests might include organ function tests and might also test the blood for tumor markers that indicate ovarian cancer. Blood test to check for a substance called CA125, which is produced by some ovarian cancer cells, is conducted. If the blood test shows a high level of CA125, the doctor might further refer for a scan to check for possible causes. Imaging tests: Imaging tests, such as ultrasound scan, abdominal CT scan, or pelvic MRI scan helps in determining the size, shape, and structure of the ovaries, which further helps in identifying the abnormalities.
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Medications and therapies for managing the symptoms of Tourette syndrome

Medications and therapies for managing the symptoms of Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder that typically starts in early childhood or adolescence. It is a condition that causes people to make sudden movements or sounds called tics, which they can’t control. There’s no permanent cure for Tourette syndrome, but better treatment helps in managing the symptoms. There are certain medications and therapies that would help in relieving the symptoms. They are as follows: Medications Botulinum (Botox) injections:  Botox injections are used to treat both vocal and motor tics. It is injected into the affected muscle, which might help relieve motor or vocal tics. ADHD medications:  Generally, ADHD is characterized by poor attention span. Stimulants such as methylphenidate (Metadate CD, Ritalin LA) and medications containing dextroamphetamine (Adderall XR, Dexedrine) help in increasing the concentration and attention. Central adrenergic inhibitors:  Medications such as clonidine and guanfacine (Intuniv) normally used to control high blood pressure or hypertension might also help in controlling behavioral symptoms such as rage attacks and impulse control problems. Antidepressants:  Antidepressants such as Fluoxetine generally helps in controlling the symptoms of sadness and anxiety. It is also used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and bulimia. Neuroleptics:  This medication can be taken orally or by injection. They are effective in treating moderate to severe symptoms by blocking the effects of dopamine (a chemical released by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells) in the brain.
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All you need to know about muscular dystrophy

All you need to know about muscular dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is usually caused by damaged or weak muscles due to collectively inherited diseases. This damage is caused by a lack of dystrophin, a protein necessary for muscle function. Muscular dystrophy causes the muscles to become weak and dysfunction due to a lack of a protein called dystrophin. This leads to complications such as unstable walking, difficulty in swallowing, and lack of muscle coordination. While children are more prone to it, it can also affect people of any age. There are more than 30 types of muscular dystrophy. Although Medications and therapies can help improve muscular functions, there is no cure for it. Symptoms The most significant symptom of muscular dystrophy is continuous weakening or dysfunctioning of muscles. Symptoms may vary depending on the type of muscular dystrophy. Most common symptoms are: Constant falling. Difficulty in mobility such as walking, running. Stiffness and pain in muscles. Loss of reflexes. Difficulty in breathing and swallowing. Weakening of the heart and lungs. Change in walking style. Difficulty getting up after sitting for a long period of time. Muscle cramps. Vision problems. Poor motor ability. Speech problems. Types of muscular dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy Young male children are more likely to develop this condition.
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Health complications due to high cholesterol

Health complications due to high cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is present in one’s bloodstream. In itself, cholesterol is not harmful and the compound aids in coating the outer layer of healthy cells, manufacture vitamin D, and certain hormones necessary for bodily functions. There are two primary types, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL), and both proteins have a specific function in the bloodstream. LDL is bad cholesterol that results in a fatty plaque buildup clogging vital arteries and veins. HDL is the good cholesterol that removes and carries the fat buildup out of the circulatory system. An imbalance in HDL and LDL levels can increase the risk of the following health complications: Coronary heart disease High levels of bad cholesterol in the body can lead to a heavy buildup of fat deposits on the artery walls, commonly referred to as plaque. A consistent buildup of plaque can disrupt the normal blood flow in the veins, thus affecting the circulatory system. Plaque also causes atherosclerosis due to the hardening of the walls in the arteries. The reduced blood flow to vital organs in the body will also result in angina or a heart attack in case of total blockage. Chest pain is one of the primary indicators of a blocked artery.
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Stages and effects of alcohol addiction

Stages and effects of alcohol addiction

Dependence on alcohol can change a person’s life and have a negative impact on their health, happiness, and financial stability. If they try to stop drinking, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. It is essential to learn about the stages of alcohol addiction and the effect it has on the human body.  Stages of alcohol addiction The first stage is characterized by weak psychological dependence. When a person does not have access to alcoholic drinks, the dependence or addiction may disappear. The second stage is characterized by the obsessive desire to drink alcohol. Here, alcoholic drinks become a part of life. In the third stage, the dependence on alcohol leads to physical symptoms. An individual cannot stop drinking without professional help. If a person stops drinking suddenly, their behavior becomes unpredictable and aggressive. This stage leads to disruptions in the functions of many vital organs. In the fourth stage, people may shake and shiver if they don’t have a drink. They continue drinking to avoid these withdrawal symptoms. They may experience physical symptoms like insomnia, tremors, and mood swings because of withdrawal. Alcohol dependence in the third and the fourth stages cannot be cured without medical help. Some of the clinical features of alcohol withdrawal are:
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Symptoms of ADHD predominant in children and teenagers

Symptoms of ADHD predominant in children and teenagers

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can broadly be categorized into behavioral problems of two types: hyperactivity and impulsiveness or inattentiveness. While a majority of individuals get included under both of these categories, there are exceptions as well. For example, there are cases where some people only exhibit signs of inattentiveness and have completely no traces of impulsiveness or hyperactivity. This type, in particular, is known more commonly as attention deficit disorder (ADD) and not as ADHD. ADD, in some cases, can easily go unnoticed as the symptoms do not manifest themselves predominantly. Symptoms of ADHD in children and teenagers It is comparatively easy to diagnose ADHD in children and teenagers as compared to adults because the symptoms are commonly noticeable at the very age of six. Moreover, these symptoms are quite evident in more than just one situation such as just the home or school. Symptoms associated with inattentiveness In the case of inattentiveness, one or more of the following symptoms are generally visible: The attention span is too short or the easily distracted nature of the child or teenager Obvious and careless mistakes in simple things such as homework A constant habit of losing things or forgetting simple things The inability to concentrate and stick to doing tasks that require time or are tedious The inability to follow instructions or even be unable to listen to details being said A habit of simply wavering over tasks without much attention Showing an inability to organize anything Symptoms associated with hyperactivity and impulsiveness In the case of hyperactivity and impulsiveness, one or more of the following symptoms are generally visible:
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The importance of insulin for diabetics

The importance of insulin for diabetics

Our body uses the nutrients from digested food for growth and energy. In certain cases, this metabolism doesn’t function effectively, which results in diabetes. Today, diabetes is a threat to the whole world, and one of the key factors that make most of us susceptible to this metabolic disorder is our lifestyle. The pancreas releases insulin to enable the body to store sugar and fat from the food that we consume, but the pancreas may not function effectively sometimes. Diabetes is a result of the following reasons: The pancreas not producing insulin at all or producing very little insulin The body not responding efficiently to insulin, a condition that is referred to as insulin resistance According to a study, about 18.2 million people in the country are affected by diabetes, and nearly one-third of this lot is completely unaware of the fact that they are diabetic. More than being a diabetic, there is a segment called pre-diabetes, where the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin slowly deteriorates, and the individual is prone to be diabetic soon. The number of people at this stage is estimated to be another 41 million. There is absolutely no cure for diabetes, and one can only manage it at best.
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All you need to know about flu

All you need to know about flu

The flu is a common ailment that affects over 20 million people every year in the country, but do we really know the basics of this infectious illness? Read on to know the essentials. What is flu? Also called influenza, the flu is a viral infection. It is highly contagious, and it can be a mild or severe condition. It is most infectious when its symptoms are yet to surface, that is, during the incubation period of the virus, at least 24 hours before the signs of the illness become noticeable. When does seasonal flu affect people? Flu can affect people all through the year, but the flu virus is most vigorous and rampant in winter and in early spring. There is less humidity during these seasons, which lets the flu virus anchor itself better in the air. It can survive more comfortably and for a longer time in the atmosphere when the air is heavy. This is also the reason why the flu virus circulates easily in air-conditioned environments and inside airplanes, where the humidity is comparatively lesser. What causes flu? Most cases of flu are a result of the influenza virus that transmits easily through respiratory secretions. The four different types of this virus are as follows:
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