An overview of prostate cancer

An overview of prostate cancer

The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland located in the pelvic region. It is responsible for the production of seminal fluid that helps nourish and transport sperm. Prostate cancer is exclusive to men given the fact that this gland only exists in men. Cancer has a slow growth rate and is confined to the prostate during the initial stages. However, some forms of prostate cancer grow quickly and aggressively. If one gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer in the early stages, they have a better chance of treatment. Symptoms Prostate cancer, like most cancers, leads to some signs in the early stages. The medical research industry has made efforts to develop effective screening procedures but has had little success so far. The symptoms visible in the later stages of prostate cancer are: Issues in urinating Less force while urinating Blood in semen Uneasy sensation in the pelvis Bone pain Erectile dysfunction In case one faces any of the signs mentioned above, they must ensure that they consult a doctor at the earliest. While an effective screening procedure can be helpful, the medical community continues to debate about its risks and benefits. At a time like this, a thorough discussion with the doctor can help one determine the best options.
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Things you need to know about Fibromyalgia

Things you need to know about Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome, is an ailing health condition that causes pain all over the body. It affects daily activities and disrupts with body conditions and the overall health of a person. It affects the muscles and soft tissues all over the body. As such, people with fibromyalgia suffer from musculoskeletal pain and experience mood and sleep disorders. The symptoms of the condition include: Widespread pain in the abdomen, back, neck and on both sides of the body above and below the waist Fatigue in the whole body Anxiety, mood swings or nervousness Difficulty in sleeping or disturbed sleep sessions Gastrointestinal problems including constipation, nausea, and IBS Passing excessive gas Migraine and other types of headache Muscle stiffness Increased sensitivity to pain and cold Cognitive issues like forgetfulness and lack of concentration Painful menstruation in women Causes of fibromyalgia While suffering from fibromyalgia, the person’s pain volume is always turned up. This is because more brain cells carry pain signals than what is considered normal. There are very few cells that slow pain signals down. In such conditions, even minor bruises and bumps hurt more than they normally do. The person might experience pain in situations where it shouldn’t hurt at all.
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An overview of gout

An overview of gout

Gout is a form of arthritis that affects mainly the toe and wrist joints, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, and hips, resulting in severe pain. Types of gout Pseudogout This condition is characterized by painful and inflamed joints, primarily affecting the joints of the elbows, wrists, knees, shoulders, and hips. The cause is the deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals along the joints. Tophaceous gout This is a chronic condition where the patient has gout attacks or flare-ups, resulting in pain in and inflammation of the joints, along with the formation of nodules under the skin that are called tophi. If a gout attack is severe with unrelenting pain and is accompanied by red, inflamed, and swollen joints, one should immediately consult a physician. Causes Uric acid buildup around the joint results in a needle-like sensation, causing intense pain. Uric acid is a by-product of the breaking down of purines from the food consumed. Sometimes, when there is more uric acid production due to ingestion of excessive purine-rich foods, or when the kidneys excrete very little uric acid, it leads to a buildup and accumulation of uric acid. Urate crystals are formed due to this, leading to inflammation and swelling of the joint and the surrounding tissues.
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An overview of stomach cancer

An overview of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer or gastric cancer is a fairly rare type of cancer that usually begins in the mucus-producing line of the stomach, but it can also be found in the other areas of the stomach. Symptoms The symptoms of stomach cancer make it very hard to diagnose, as it can be easily mistaken for many other less serious conditions. The symptoms of this condition include severe and persistent heartburn, indigestion, unexplained persistent nausea, frequent burping, persistent stomach ache, feeling full after eating very little, feeling bloated or full after eating, persistent vomiting, and unintended weight loss. Types of stomach cancer The common types of this cancer are adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), and carcinoid tumor. Squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and leiomyosarcoma are the other, rarer forms of stomach cancer. Adenocarcinoma is the most common stomach cancer, and it develops in the cells that form the innermost lining of the stomach (the mucosa). Lymphomas are found in the immune system tissue in the wall of the stomach. GISTs are found in the interstitial cells of Cajal, which are the early forms of cells in the stomach wall. Carcinoid tumors are found in the hormone-producing cells of the stomach.
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Understanding overactive bladder

Understanding overactive bladder

An overactive bladder is a common medical condition in which the person feels an urgent need to urinate several times a day. This frequent urge to urinate can occur numerous times throughout the day or even during the night. Thus, it results in loss of bladder control, which in medical terms is coined as urge incontinence. It leads to a sudden need to urinate immediately and this may be difficult to control leading to uncontrolled urination. Overactive bladder affects millions of Americans. Almost 30% of men and 40% of women in the country live with overactive bladder symptoms. It isn’t a disease, but a name for a group of urinary symptoms.  There is another common bladder problem known as stress urinary incontinence (SUI), which is different than an overactive bladder. People suffering from SUI leak urine when they sneeze, laugh, or do other physical activities. Types The two most common types of overactive bladders are: Dry overactive bladder – A dry overactive bladder is when an individual has a sudden, urgent need to urinate usually during the day. Wet overactive bladder – A wet overactive bladder, also known as urge incontinence, occurs when an individual has an extremely uncontrollable need to pass urine to the extent that the individual’s bladder starts leaking wherever they are and before they can even go to the bathroom.  Causes and risk factors Overactive bladder is categorically caused by contractions or spasms of the urinary bladder, which are beyond the control of the individual, resulting in a strong sense to urinate suddenly.  It is an issue of the nerves and muscles of the bladder that experience early compression as against the ordinary unwinding period of bladder filling.
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All you need to know about testicular cancer

All you need to know about testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is a form of cancer that affects the testicles. It is one of the rarer forms of cancer. While it can affect men of any age, it is most common in middle-aged men and adolescent males. Symptoms Here are a few symptoms that indicate that a person may be suffering from testicular cancer: The most common indicator is a dormant and painless lump in the testicle A sensation of extra weight in the scrotum Swelling in the testicular region A continuous and passive feeling of pain in the groin and testicles A lump or outgrowth must always be considered as a potential tumor. According to the American Urological Association, 75 out of every 100 men who suffer from testicular cancer have complained of the presence of a lump. 17 of the 75 men have experienced painful lumps. If anyone experiences such symptoms for a period of more than two weeks, it is necessary to consult a urologist without any delay. Without quick action, the cancerous cells could spread to the other parts of the body. It is also necessary to visit a medical practitioner so that they can rule out other conditions with similar symptoms like inguinal hernia, epididymitis, testicular torsion, and hydrocele.
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Common causes of a migraine

Common causes of a migraine

A migraine is a recurring, extremely painful headache. It is, at times, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sounds make it worse. It could last for a few hours or remain for a few days. The symptoms of migraine could vary from person to person. Though the exact cause of migraines is still unknown, studies show that the major factor causing this headache is an underlying central nervous disorder, irregularities in the brain blood vessel system or vascular system, an imbalance of certain brain chemicals, and also inherited genes. Many other factors are also likely to cause a migraine. Some of the common causes of migraine are as follows: Genes – When there is a family history of migraines, it is passed down in the genes. Age – Though a migraine may attack at all ages, teenage is when it is likely to occur first and reaches a peak at 30 years. Gender – Women are three times more likely to be affected by migraine than men. Nerve signals – The trigeminal nerve in the head, which helps to feel sensations is the pathway for pain. Brain chemicals – When a migraine starts, serotonin levels drop, releasing chemicals called neurotransmitters to the brain which cause pain.
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Frequently asked questions about pulmonary hypertension

Frequently asked questions about pulmonary hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension is a serious condition that leads to increased blood pressure within the lungs. Usually, pulmonary hypertension is caused on account of other severe conditions such as emphysema, cardiac obstructive pulmonary disease, liver disease, left heart disease, mitral valve diseases, among others. Pulmonary hypertension tends to be a progressive disease that if left untreated can prove to be fatal. However, with the right care and timely intervention, the associated symptoms of pulmonary hypertension can be closely monitored and even prevented. While a cure is not possible, the condition may be managed to some extent. Here are some frequently asked questions about pulmonary hypertension. Can a person lead a normal life while suffering from pulmonary hypertension? While pulmonary hypertension is definitely a serious health condition with considerable risks, it is possible to lead a normal life provided timely diagnosis is made and appropriate medication is administered. What precautions must a person with pulmonary hypertension take? It is advisable to avoid living at high altitudes where there is a natural depletion of available oxygen. As far as possible, try consuming a healthy diet and adopt a stress-free lifestyle. Adequate sleep and timely rest are important. In case you are on a catheter, do adopt hygienic practices when removing and inserting it to avoid any infections.
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Symptoms and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

Symptoms and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

Skin diseases nowadays can often be confused with normal changes that occur with every passing day. This confusion happens mainly because it has become extremely common now for people to be prone to conditions like having excessive dandruff, oily skin, damaged hair, acne etc. However, these conditions that are actually considered to be extremely normal can also be the starting points of quite a lot of skin diseases. Another aspect to be cautious about is that the symptoms of several skin diseases are difficult to notice, which can make it extremely difficult to identify a particular skin condition. It becomes extremely difficult to control a particular disease or a condition at the starting stages as it is very unclear. Hence, one should seek medical help as soon as any symptoms start to show. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition that is commonly known as dandruff and cradle cap. Cradle cap is a condition that usually affects babies of under 3 months, and the condition shows the appearance of brown or yellow scales on the scalp. While these symptoms do disappear by the time they become one year old, they would most probably return when they attain puberty. The most common areas that this particular condition can affect individuals is in the middle area of the chest, on the skin folds present in between arms and legs, around the navel, on buttocks, below the breasts, and in the groin.
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Top causes and symptoms of renal cancer

Top causes and symptoms of renal cancer

Renal cancer is also known as kidney cancer, renal cell carcinoma, hypernephroma or renal adenocarcinoma is one of the most common cancers found in adults. Renal carcinoma may be treated if diagnosed in the early stages. However, it is a serious disease and requires adequate care and treatment. The kidneys have an important function of filtering out waste materials and toxins from the body. It consists of tiny tubules that filter the wastes from the blood and converts it into the urine. Renal cancer is the result of the growth and uncontrollable multiplication of cancer cells in the lining of these tubules. Renal cancer is known to spread very quickly to the surrounding organs as well as the lungs. Causes of renal cancer Although scientists have not been able to find out what causes renal cancer, they believe that a genetic defect in the kidneys may kickstart it. However, there are several other risk factors that can possibly lead to renal cancer: Obesity People who are obese are at a higher risk of getting renal cancer. Obesity can cause changes in the hormones that can eventually lead to renal cancer. Older age Renal cancer is more common among people between the age of 50 and 70.
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