Major causes and symptoms of a heart attack

Major causes and symptoms of a heart attack

A heart attack is the result of blocked blood flow to the heart. This blockage is often due to deposits of cholesterol, fat, and some other substances that form a buildup in the coronary arteries that feed the heart. This buildup gradually breaks to form a clot. This interrupted blood flow can destroy or damage parts of the heart muscle. The causes of a heart attack are stated below: Angina: This results in chest pain because of a lack of blood supply or oxygen to the heart, and can affect the muscles of the heart. Higher cholesterol levels: Having high levels of cholesterol can increase the chances of having a blood clot in the arteries. Age: Heart attacks become more likely when a man is over the age of 45, and a woman is over the age of 55. Diabetes: This is another factor that can increase the risk of heart attacks. Genetics: A person can be at a higher risk of a heart attack due to their genetics as well. Diet: Large quantities of saturated fats in the bloodstream can also increase the chances of a heart attack. Having a heart surgery: The chances of having a heart attack due to a heart surgery increase later.
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Causes and diagnosis of thyroid cancer

Causes and diagnosis of thyroid cancer

As the name suggests, thyroid cancer occurs in the thyroid glands, which is located below the Adam’s apple. Thyroid glands play an essential role in the metabolism of the body. Thyroid glands produce hormones which help to regulate body weight, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and weight. In thyroid cancer, a lump occurs in the neck and grows quickly along with swelling in the neck. A person finds it difficult to swallow food as the disease progresses. Here are the causes of thyroid cancer: Thyroid cancer occurs when thyroid cells undergo genetic changes. This leads to cells’ overgrowth. The cells here do not die (as any typical cell would). The bunch of these overgrown cells forms a tumor in the thyroid glands. These cells can attack nearby organs too and can spread cancer in the whole body. Apart from overgrowth, one more factor that can cause cancer in thyroid glands is changes in a person’s DNA. We receive DNA patterns from our ancestors and parents. Most of the times, our DNA decides the disorders or conditions a person would come across in his/her life. DNA influences the possibilities of risk occurrences and certain diseases including cancer. Here is the diagnosis of thyroid cancer:
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Diagnosis and treatment options for pancreatic cancer

Diagnosis and treatment options for pancreatic cancer

The pancreas is a small organ present in the abdomen that releases special hormones and enzymes that aid digestion. Cancer that starts developing in the tissues of the pancreas is known as pancreatic cancer. This type of cancer rapidly spreads to the nearby organs and is seldom diagnosed in the early stages. Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer If your medical expert suspects pancreatic cancer, he may ask you to go through one of the following tests: Imaging that creates pictures of your internal organs Endoscopic ultrasound for getting the images of your pancreas Biopsy that involves removing a tissue sample for testing Blood test Once the doctor confirms the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, he then tries to determine the extent of spread. He assigns a particular stage to cancer that is useful for identifying the most suitable line of treatment. Treatment for pancreatic cancer Treatment for pancreatic cancer depends upon a variety of factors such as your age and overall health, stage, and location of the cells. In every case, the primary goal of treatment is to eliminate the cancer completely. If not possible, the treatment is aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms and improving the quality of life. Some common treatment options available include:
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Causes and risk factors associated with rheumatoid arthritis

Causes and risk factors associated with rheumatoid arthritis

A chronic inflammatory disorder, rheumatoid arthritis can affect more than just the joints. In certain people, it can damage a wide range of body systems, including the skin, the blood vessels, the eyes, the lungs, and the heart. An autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system, which protects the body against foreign substances like bacteria and viruses, mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues. This causes inflammation leading to the thickening of tissue that lines the inside of joints (the synovium), leading to swelling and pain in and around the joints. A fluid that lubricates the joints and helps them move smoothly is produced by the synovium. The cartilage, the elastic tissue that covers the ends of the bones in a joint, and the bones themselves can get damaged if the inflammation goes unchecked and untreated. Over a period of time, there is a loss of cartilage and the joint spacing present between the bones can become smaller. Joints may become loose, lose their mobility, unstable, and painful. Also, joint deformity may occur. Damage to the joints cannot be reversed. As it can occur early, doctors recommend early diagnosis and aggressive treatment to control rheumatoid arthritis. Most commonly, rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints of the hands, ankles, feet, knees, wrists, and the elbows.
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How is HIV different from AIDS

How is HIV different from AIDS

Human Immunodeficiency Virus, commonly called HIV, is a lentivirus that attacked and destroys the CD4 cells (a type of T cells) of the immune system. CD4 cells are a crucial part of adaptive immunity and their destruction by the HIV virus can seriously jeopardize the immune functions and the ability to fight the diseases. A suboptimal functioning of the immune system can make an HIV infected person more vulnerable to several common infections that typically do not cause any serious threat. One of the most common co-infection in HIV infected people in TB infection. Thus, HIV infections pave the way for other infections and without any medication, it finally progresses into AIDS, an advanced stage of HIV infection. Around 1 million people have already been infected with HIV, and 41,000 individuals get infected with HIV each year. HIV virus is commonly present in several bodily discharges of infected people such as semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk, and the blood. HIV infected individuals do not develop symptoms for several years and feel totally healthy and fine. According to one estimate, 1 in 7 citizens of the country is unaware of HIV infection. HIV infections are incurable and once HIV enters your body; it remains there forever.
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Treatment options available for leukemia

Treatment options available for leukemia

Leukemia is cancer in the tissues which form blood. It even gets in the bone marrow. It hinders the ability of the human body to fight against germs and infection. There are mainly three types of cancer- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and lymphoblastic leukemia. Depending on the stages and types of cancer, treatment options are available. The emergence of symptoms in the body is depended on the age of the persons who are infected with this. The several treatment options for leukemia Somehow, the treatment is based on the symptoms the patient is experiencing every day. It includes frequent infections on the skin, weight loss, and fatigue. Bruising and easy bleeding are also symptoms of leukemia. Thus, the doctor will prescribe the patient to undergo treatment after a proper diagnose. Treatment options slightly differ for aggressive leukemia and slow-growing leukemia. The various treatment options are explained below: Stem cell transplant This is only applicable for aggressive leukemia. In this treatment, the patient is treated with a high dose of radiation or drugs. Sometimes, both the processes are used for keeping its severity under control. It effectively helps in destroying the affected cells in the blood and bone marrow.
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Symptoms and risk factors for breast cancer

Symptoms and risk factors for breast cancer

Breast cancer may be described as a type of cancer which is found in the breast cells. It is considered to be the second most common type of cancer, which is diagnosed in females in the country and is only preceded by skin cancer. While it may be found in both the sexes, it is commonly associated with females. A lot of awareness has been created for this type of cancer, which has helped for the betterment of diagnostic methods as well as advanced treatments. The survival rate for breast cancer has increased phenomenally due to the enhanced medical therapies available. However, an earlier detection really works in favor of breast cancer patients. For this to happen, knowing about the causes and symptoms may help. To understand the symptoms better, let us go through the different types of breast cancer that exist: Angiosarcoma Inflammatory breast cancer Recurrent breast cancer Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Male breast cancer Invasive lobular carcinoma Paget’s disease of the breast Symptoms of breast cancer While any sort of change in the breast should be checked by an expert as a prevention measure, it requires even more attention if the following symptoms accompany it: In case one feels a thickening or a lump in the breast which is quite different as compared to the tissue surrounding it If there is a change in the shape, appearance, or the size of the breast If one sees a change in the skin, characterized by a dimpling, which is there above the breast In case one notices an inverted nipple If there is a pigmented area of the skin, which surrounds the nipple, where such an area may experience scaling, crusting, or peeling along with flaking.
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Get to know about the different types of anemia

Get to know about the different types of anemia

Anemia is basically a health condition in which your body does not have enough healthy red blood cells (RBCs), which are responsible for carrying the required oxygen through the tissues of the body. Having anemia results in a lot of weakness for the patient. There are different forms of anemia, which occur due to varying causes in the body. Depending on the type and the treatment you undertake, anemia may be long-term as well as temporary. It may range anywhere between mild to severe. Getting medical intervention is necessary just to know whether the symptoms are easily treatable so that you do not end up with a serious illness. Here are the different types of anemia along with their causes: Anemia due to iron deficiency The most common type of anemia in the whole world is due to iron deficiency. The bone marrow needs adequate iron to create hemoglobin. If there is not enough hemoglobin in the body, the lack of it may result in anemia . Aplastic anemia The reduced production of RBCs is characterized by Aplastic anemia . The main cause behind this may be a certain medicine, an infection, an exposure to toxic chemicals, or even autoimmune diseases.
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Melanoma – Symptoms, causes, and treatment

Melanoma – Symptoms, causes, and treatment

Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer, which affects the melanocytes in the human body. Melanocytes are the skin cells which produce melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its color. In melanoma, a mutation in the skin cells causes them to multiply excessively. This overproduction of skin cells often leads to the formation of a mole or a similar growth on the surface of the skin. Let’s take a look at what causes melanoma, know the symptoms of the disease, and explore treatment options. Symptoms of melanoma A melanoma mole may appear and develop anywhere on the body. The most common areas for these growths are usually the parts that are exposed to the sun. This includes the face, neck, chest, arms, and legs. However, some people also develop hidden melanoma. A hidden melanoma is one that develops in an area you normally would not check such as under the feet, in the genitals, in the mouth, on the palms, under the nail, on the scalp, and in the eye. The initial sign of a melanoma is a sudden change in the size or color of an existing mole. Another symptom to watch out for is the sudden appearance of a new mole, which is asymmetrical in shape and seems to keep developing.
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Conditions associated with Parkinson’s disease that you should know about

Conditions associated with Parkinson’s disease that you should know about

Parkinsonism is basically a term used to refer to multiple symptoms that are found in Parkinson’s disease. It is a type of disorder which is categorized as a progressive nervous system problem. This mainly affects the movement of the person, creating a hindrance in the day-to-day functioning. While tremors are quite common, the disorder also ends up causing a slowdown of the movements along with stiffness. There are many other conditions of Parkinsonism that characterize the Parkinson’s disease that are divided on the basis of different symptoms. Below is some brief information about the various types of conditions associated with Parkinson’s disease. Types of conditions associated with Parkinson’s disease Multiple system atrophy (MSA) This term encompasses multiple neurodegenerative disorders in which the body’s systems start to deteriorate one after another. The average age of this particular disorder is somewhere around the early 50s. The main symptoms of multiple system atrophy (MSA) include ataxia, the nervous system’s malfunctioning, high blood pressure, and even difficulty in controlling bladder pressure. Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), a type of Parkinson’s disease, it is the most commonly occurring kind of atypical Parkinsonism. This problem mainly occurs in adults who are in their early 60s.
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