Quick Snack Options for Kids

Quick Snack Options for Kids

There is no denying that most kids love snacks. Even picky eaters like snacks they are just picky about the snacks that they like. Having good snacks on hand is not only a good way to keep kids happy and satisfied but it also is a good way to keep kids healthier. Good snacks include wholesome foods that are not filled with processed ingredients and sugars. Below are some tasty snacks that are also very beneficial to growing children:

1. Smoothies
Most adults love smoothies but not many are aware that kids can also be interested in smoothies as well. Not only is it a fun tasty treat but little do most kids know typical smoothies are filled with fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are essential to health. They help repair and renew cells and they also energize and detoxify the body. Since fruit is a very overpowering taste especially fruit such as blueberries and bananas they can be used to fill smoothies that are filled with kale and spinach that offer good fueling nutrients for young bodies. Smoothies are a great way to sneak in extra veggies.

2. Veggie sticks
As stated above vegetables are very important to overall good health. Not only do they provide the body with many necessary nutrients such as fiber and vitamins but they also help to keep the body looking and feeling better. Veggies such as carrots, broccoli and even peppers are perfect for cutting into bite-size pieces and even good for dipping in hummus and other dips. They provide a fun and crunchy snack for kids that is healthy and nutritious.

3. Hummus
Hummus is one of the best high protein snacks you can feed kids. Not only is it high in fiber but it is also rich in vitamins and minerals that keep the body working smoothly and efficiently. Hummus is great paired with the veggies or even on a cracker or toasted bread.

4. Apples with peanut butter
Most kids love peanut butter which is great because it does have a lot of healthy benefits. Peanut butter is one of the most high energy snacks that kids and adults can eat. It is filled with antioxidants as well as vitamin B6 which is great for boosting the immune system. Specifically peanut butter on apples is a great treat as the apples are also a very healthy snack. Some even put peanut butter on celery and will even top it with raisins which is often called ants on a log and is very popular with young kids.

These are just a few of the better snacks to choose for young developing minds and bodies. Some other great wholesome snacks include almonds, walnuts, popcorn, whole grain cereal, granola and even hard boiled eggs.