Trigger Foods for Gout

Trigger Foods for Gout

Arthritis is currently impacts over three hundred million individuals worldwide. One of the most common forms among those affected is gout. Gouty arthritis is an inflammatory disease that causes redness, swelling, discomfort, and increased sensitivity. It is notorious for its effect on the big toe of either foot. Patients with gouty arthritis often complain about the sudden, short bouts of severe pain or flare ups. These attacks usually occur unexpectedly at night and therefore, can cause additional sleep disorders or disrupt sleep.

Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood, otherwise known as hyperuricemia. This can potentially lead to the formation of a crystal under your joints that will, in turn, invoke the symptoms referred to above. Treatment of gout is dependent upon the type and severity of the attack. Methods commonly used for treatment include medication, lifestyle changes, a visit to a specialist, or natural remedies. Often, dietary changes, such as avoiding the following foods, also help:

1. Meats
Meats such as pork, turkey, mutton, and veal are all high in a waste product called purines. These substances contain uric acid and thus, contribute to hyperuricemia.

2. Seafood
Certain seafood such as sardines and shellfish have high concentrations of purines.

3. Vegetables
Not all vegetables lead to gout. Certain ones such as mushrooms and cauliflower can result in high amounts of uric acid.

4. Sugary foods
The breakdown of sugar releases uric acid as a byproduct. Consuming excessive sugary substances may result in the direct build-up of uric acid in your bloodstream. It is best to limit your intake of high-fructose corn syrup, candy, soda, fruit drinks, and sweets.

On the other hand, changing your diet can be extremely helpful to ease gout symptoms, if you incorporate these healthy and tasty anti-inflammatory foods:

1. Berries
Delectable and with many cooking uses, berries are a scrumptious treat that contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Berries also contain an antioxidant called anthocyanin, which has an anti-inflammatory quality.

2. Broccoli
No, these are not aliens, but one of the most nutritious vegetables you could ever consume! Broccoli is rich in antioxidants and when cooked right, can provide a great-tasting meal!

3. Green tea
Green tea is known for being one of the healthiest drinks out there. Not only can drinking this reduce your risk of gout, but also diabetes, cancer, and a variety of other illnesses.

4. Peppers
Any lover of spice will have no issue adding this to their diet. Peppers are jam-packed with Vitamin E and antioxidants!

5. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate differs from other types of sweets and candy because it contains more cocoa and less sugar. However, take note of the percentage of cocoa on the packaging label; only an amount of seventy percent will suffice.